Page 45 of Forsaken

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“What the —“ is all Ian says before he’s wrestling with Connor on the floor. The gun goes flying across the floor as Connor rains blows into Ian’s skull.

One of the brotherhood members is about to go help when Canon throws a fist into his jaw, sending a loud crack through the air.

Everyone else in the warehouse starts fighting each other and I just feel helpless watching it all from where I sit in the middle. Canon finally breaks free from the mayhem and is on his way to free me when we hear Ian yelling from our side.

“Not so fast,” Ian yells and we realize he got free from Connor and is now pointing the gun at me. Tears burn my eyes as I think of how I’ll never get to see my parents again. Never get to experience the level of annoyance that only Amy brings, and never get a chance to experience love from a man I never dreamed would be in my life.

I close my eyes and silently pray as the trigger is pulled and the last thing I hear is the sound of the gun going off.



These past 24 hours have been one of the worst of my life.

Connor got shot jumping in front of the bullet for Demi.

That idiot.

The Owl Brotherhood got arrested because after Connor called Mason while apparently waiting outside the warehouse, he called Amy and told her to call the cops

Demi is okay for the most part, just shaken up. Even though she wasn’t the one that got shot, she’s been in the hospital for a couple days because Kane wanted to make sure she was truly okay.

Connor is in the room next door resting after undergoing surgery to get the bullet out. He’ll be fine, just on bed rest for a while.

Ian is sitting in jail and probably won’t ever see the light of day after Kane is done with him. I’m so mad at myself for not seeing the signs or really thinking hard about how Kane even found out about me.

I never thought the brotherhood was capable of some thought out shit like this.

I hear movement coming from Demi’s direction and turn from looking out the window to watch her wake up.

Her eyes open slowly, and they stare straight into mine, uncaring of the amount of emotion reflecting through them.

“You okay?” She asks.

“I’ve been better,” I say honestly but shrug it off. “You should be sleeping.”

“I just slept for like 10 hours. I think I’m allowed to feel a little alive,” she jokes.

Just then, two people I’ve become familiar with in the past week come rushing in.

“Demi!” They cry out and both hug her.

“Mom? Dad? How?” Demi starts to get choked up.

“We ended our excursion early to surprise you for your birthday! This gentleman here contacted us and even paid for our flight back home.” They all turn to look at me.

I rub the back of my neck and avert my eyes because this is too much emotional shit for me.

“He did?” Demi asks but her head is still turned to look at me. I look back in her eyes and she mouths “thank you” to me.

I just nod and give her a small smile.

I stand up and start walking towards the door so they can have some alone time while they tell her they plan on stopping the out the country excursions for good.

“Wait,” Demi calls out, “I want to properly introduce you to Canon.”

“That’s okay,” I tell her. “Catch up with your parents first and then we can all talk.”
