Page 46 of Forsaken

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She stares at me for a beat before smiling and nodding.

I need to make a few phone calls anyway because it turns out that Rouis was calling me to warn about Ian.

I have a few words for his too little too late informant and also need to discuss our next steps for taking down the brotherhood.

I walk past Connors room and peer in to see Amy lecturing him again about being stupid and risking his life how he did. He turns and spots me, then silently pleads with his eyes for me to save him.

I laugh and shake my head, then keep walking.

Kane and his wife are in the hall, on the phone with someone important looking to get every charge possible attached to Ian and some of the brotherhood members.

Mason is at the vending machine getting his third snack in the past hour. The only injury he has are bruised knuckles which amazes me because I’ve never seen my brother fight a day in his life.

I wonder what he’s learning at that college.

I walk up to him and put my arm around his shoulders.

“Want to go grab some burgers?” I ask.

“Oh God, yes. This hospital food sucks.” Mason groans and I laugh.

For the first time in a long time, I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and I’m actually looking forward to what the next day has to bring.

I just hope my luck never runs dry and that I continue to experience happy days and moments of gratefulness.

We walk out the hospital and I toss him my keys indicating that he can drive.

His eyes grow in excitement as he hurries into the driver’s seat. I have to hurry and hop in before he zooms out of the parking lot and into the busy street.

We laugh as he flies past cars and towards the burger spot.

If only I could keep this happiness forever…

The End.
