Page 138 of Dare You to Lie

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Rebecca sat down on the edge of the bed. “That’s true. You do. But what if he’s changed and he can give you what you deserve?”

I opened my mouth to argue, but she held up her hand. “Hear me out. You guys were good together, and what you had was real, even if he tried to deny that. If the only thing holding him back was the trauma in his past, and he has opened up to you now, I think things can only get better from here. Your relationship has hit rock bottom. If you can make it through this, you can make it through anything.”

I sighed. “He has to prove himself to me. The words aren’t enough. I can’t trust him. He embarrassed me when I was at my most vulnerable, and I can’t forgive him for that yet.”

She patted my arm. “I know, and I agree. He should have to show you how serious he is.”

“Thanks for being on my side.”

She smiled and stood. There was a knock at the front door, and she left my bedroom to answer it. I flopped back on the pillows and stared at the ceiling. What was I going to do?

Rebecca came back in carrying a cup of coffee and a bag. “Looks like he’s starting now.”

“What?” I asked, sitting up.

She handed me the items and kissed my forehead before leaving. I plucked a note off the coffee cup and chuckled. The go-to apology for the men in Oak Springs was coffee, pastries, and notes.

Opening the bag, I pulled my favorite muffin out and sat back. I took a bite while I read the note.


I’m so sorry for how I handled things between us. I hope that in time you’ll forgive me. There isn’t anyone else for me. I will chase after you for as long as it takes to make you mine. I want to spend forever with you. Even if that means apologizing every day.


A tear slid down my cheek. Damn this man. He was making it super hard to stay mad at him. But I had to stand firm. He needed to know how badly he'd hurt me, and I needed to make sure it never happened again.

THREE DAYS HAD PASSED since I’d last seen Sid in person, but he reminded me every day that he was still there. Coffee and pastries from Grateful Cup were always waiting for me in the morning on the porch. Tom Tracy delivered lunch to Mindy’s house every day, and dinner was waiting for me when I got home to Rebecca’s.

Each meal came with a note about how much Sid loved me. They started small: “I love your smile” and “You’re the light that warms my life.” Then they got a little longer, and he started pouring out his feelings. He was wearing me down, but I needed to remain strong.

Rebecca was still asleep when I pulled on my shoes this morning. Mindy wanted coffee and donuts for everyone at the farm, so I needed to leave a little earlier than normal. My routine of watching the twins and working at Knead to Relax was a welcome distraction from my feelings for Sid.

I opened the front door and froze. There was no coffee and paper bag on the porch today. Instead, Sid was standing at the bottom of the steps with them in his hands. He gave me a lazy smile that lit up my insides despite January’s cold chill.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

He smiled. “I’m here to take you to work.”


“Because I want to,” he said with a shrug.


“Kat, please. I only want to give you a ride to Mindy’s. I’m helping Frank for the day, and I figured we could ride over together. I’ll bring you home after. I promise it’s nothing more.”


He smiled big and held out the bag and coffee. I took them and walked to the passenger side of his truck. He held open the door while I climbed up and settled in. Then he closed it and jogged around the front of the truck. His feet slipped on the fresh snow, and he grabbed the hood to stay upright. When he climbed in, he had snow in his hair, and his hands were red. He started the truck and held his hands in front of the heater vent. I laughed.

“Glad you find that funny,” he said.

He put the truck in reverse and started to back out of the drive.

“Wait, I have to get donuts and coffee for everyone.”

Sid pointed to the back seat, where two boxes of donuts, a small box of pastries, and a carrier filled with coffee waited. Warmth spread through me again.

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