Page 139 of Dare You to Lie

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“How did you know?” I asked.

“Mindy,” we said at the same time.

“That little sneak,” I said.

“Don’t be mad at her. I asked them to help me.”

“Sid, I really appreciate what you’ve been doing. But it doesn’t change anything.”

He was silent. I peered over at him, expecting to see his usual scowl, but there wasn’t one. He was looking straight ahead at the road. I sat back and looked out the side window. There were fresh animal tracks in the grass, and I focused on them, wondering what animal had made them.

“I’m not going to stop.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because I love you.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“No one said it was simple, Kat. But I can’t imagine life without you now, and I’m willing to show you how sorry I am and how much I care. I know I hurt you, and I’m trying really hard to make that up to you. Tell me what I can do.”

I wasn’t sure what to tell him. I missed the hell out of him, but I was afraid to go back. There was nothing he could do to erase that fear. It would have to happen over time. Maybe that was it. He needed to show me that he’d be willing to wait. To be there no matter how long it took and make me feel like he was someone I could rely on. Someone who wouldn’t break my heart or run when things got tough.

“I need time.”

“Time I can give you. Does that mean I have to leave you alone, though?”

I grinned and bit my lip. “No. I don’t think so.”

He let out a breath and relaxed. “Good. Can I take you to dinner tonight?”

“Sid,” I said, swatting his arm.

“Okay. Not yet. But soon, maybe?”


Chapter 38


THE WARMTH INSIDE THE bar made my hands burn. It had snowed like hell throughout the night and most of the day. The roads were shit. We’d all pitched in to dig out Main Street and Grand Street so the businesses could open. My hands were like ice, and my clothes were soaked.

I stomped my boots on the mat inside the door to clear the snow off before going in search of the guys. Ice clung to my beard and the ends of my hair. I felt like a drowned rat that had fallen into arctic waters.

Jacob, Peter, and Charlie were sitting at a table near a large stone fireplace. Frank was standing in front of the fire, warming himself. I walked up beside him and stuck my hands in front of the orange and red flames. My fingers pricked like they were being stuck over and over with needles as the numbness started to wear off.

“Why is it so fucking cold? It hasn’t been this cold in forever,” Frank said.

“You’re just a wuss,” Jacob said.

“Shut up. You were just crying about your damn boots.”

“Because they’re ruined,” Jacob argued.

Frank laughed. “Serves you right for wearing expensive boots.”

Jacob threw a napkin at Frank.
