Page 141 of Dare You to Lie

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I took off my winter hat and pulled at my hair. “I know. I fucked up. I wasn’t in the right headspace, and I messed up. But how do I get her back?”

The guys were quiet, and I nearly lost it before Charlie spoke up. “Nothing says forever like a wedding.”

“What?” I asked. “I thought you said you heard what happened.”

He nodded his head. “I did.”

“Then you heard that I poured my heart out and asked her to be my wife for real and that she said no, right?”

“I did.”

I growled and grabbed my beer.

He laughed. “I’ve also been listening to everyone else speak, and it sounds like she wants to know that you’ll always be there. So plan the wedding.”

“She said no,” I scoffed.

Frank pointed at Charlie. “Shit. He’s onto something.”

Charlie grinned.

“Plan the wedding. If she shows up, you’ll know that she’s forgiven you. If she doesn’t, then you have to let her go,” Frank said.

Peter nodded in agreement.

“I like that,” Jacob said. “It’s the biggest gesture I can think of to show her how serious you are.”

“You guys might be right, but how can I do that without her knowing?”

Peter grinned. “My wife is a wedding planner. We’ll get the girls to help plan the wedding while distracting Kat. You have the venue already. The date is still saved, right?”

“Yeah. I told my mom to keep it in case Kat agreed to marry me. She said no a week ago, but I’ve been so caught up in trying to win her back that I forgot to call my mom and tell her to cancel.”

“There you go. You have until May to win her back,” Peter said. “I’d continue doing what you’re doing. Showing up, being there for her, and wearing her down slowly, all while secretly planning the wedding. Talk to Rebecca. You’ll need her on the inside.”

“Yeah. She’ll have to get the dress and make sure Kat gets there,” Frank said.

I rubbed the back of my neck. “I’m not sure she’ll come.”

“She will. She loves you, and once she sees how serious you are, she’ll come,” Jacob said.

God, I hoped he was right. It was a huge risk, but Kat was worth it. I never expected to find someone I wanted to marry, and I always thought I deserved to be alone. But after a taste of life with Kat, I never wanted to go back to being alone.

Chapter 39


THE DIM LIGHTS AND SOFT music of Harvest House created a romantic setting that normally made me giddy, but that wasn’t the case now. As I sat across from Sid, my stomach roiled. I wasn’t sure what to say or do.

He’d spent two weeks wearing me down, and I’d finally agreed to a date, but only if we ate at Harvest House. I figured it would be safe with my sister around. Oddly enough, Will was here as well. I’d address that at a later date. Right now, I needed to focus on making it through dinner without throwing up from nerves.

“How have you been?” Sid asked.


“Have you done anything fun or interesting?”

This was terrible. I hated awkward conversation, and this felt like we were right back where we started months ago in this very booth. Stilted conversation that wasn’t going anywhere and the feeling that we weren’t right for one another. Except now there was pain mixed in from everything we went through.
