Page 69 of Dare You to Lie

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It was strange but comforting waking up with her wrapped around me. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a woman in my bed. Kat stirred and cuddled closer to me. A small moan escaped her. I smiled. She looked so peaceful.

I studied her face. Her lips were pursed slightly, making them look plumper than they normally were. I wanted to bend down and take one into my mouth. To suck on it and bite it the way she liked. I knew she wouldn’t stop me if I did, but I had to use the bathroom before my bladder exploded. I also needed to stop sleeping with her. It was sending her the wrong message.

Slowly, I shifted out from under her, replacing my body with my pillow so she didn’t fall against the mattress. She sighed and cuddled into it. I grabbed my boxer briefs from the floor and tugged them on. As I rounded the bed, I stopped in my tracks. Shiloh was curled up against Kat’s back.

It was odd to see Shiloh cuddling with someone other than me, but it also made me happy to see them getting along. I hoped Shiloh wouldn’t miss Kat too much when this ended. I rubbed at my chest, feeling an ache there at the thought of Kat leaving. But I also felt a heavy dose of guilt. That was normal, though. Guilt had become like an old friend that never left. It burrowed deep beneath my skin and choked me.

After I relieved myself, I tugged on a pair of sweats and headed downstairs to start the day. Kat was sleeping peacefully, and I was thankful for the alone time. Shiloh hopped off the bed and followed me down. I fed her and let her out.

My gut churned with conflicting emotions. I wanted to run from the entire situation with Kat, but I also wanted to climb back into bed and get lost in her. To forget everything. I drummed my fingers on the counter while I waited for the coffee to brew.

Kat had mentioned a few weeks ago that Laney and Jacob were going to take her to the city to get a tattoo. But I’d rather it be me who took her to get her first tattoo. I’d been wanting more ink anyway. It was a good way to get my mind off shit.

It was Sunday, and technically, I was supposed to work, but I could drop my uniform off at the station and tell them to call me if anything happened. That was unlikely since it was our slowest day. I pulled my phone out and called Will. He was always an asshole on the weekends, but I needed to ask him something.

“Why the hell are you calling me this early on a Sunday?” he growled into the phone.

“Good morning to you too. Rough night?” I asked.

“Long night. I was at the office until midnight working on a case, and then I picked up a girl from the Old Brew House and didn’t get to bed until a few hours ago. What do you want?”

“Is she still there?” I asked in surprise. Will didn’t do sleepovers. Ever.

“Yes,” he muttered through gritted teeth. He must have had a hard time getting her to leave.

“Do I need to come over with breakfast and claim we had plans? I wouldn’t be able to stay, but I would make the drive for you,” I joked.

“Why are you in such a good mood? I can’t remember the last time you sounded happy.”

That made me freeze.

“Did you finally get laid?” Will asked.

“Fuck off.”

Will chuckled. “She’s your fiancée. I sure hope you’re getting some.”

“I’m not talking about this with you.”

“So she’s not holding out on you?”

“Will,” I gritted out.

He laughed. “Okay. What do you want?”

“I wanted to ask you what you thought of Beau at Inked Expressions.”

“He does good work,” Will said, sounding more awake. “Are you looking to get more ink? I thought after that side piece you were done.”

I rubbed at the cross on my side. It was my first tattoo and so far, my only. It had hurt like a son of a bitch.

“Possibly, but Kat wants something. She doesn’t have any ink, and I was thinking of taking her there.”

“Beau does a good job, but if you want the best, then you need to see my buddy Jackson.”

“I know who Jackson is, but I didn’t know he was a tattoo artist.” I poured myself a cup of coffee and went to the kitchen table.

“He’s done almost all of my tattoos except the two that Beau did. Jackson works at Beau’s shop part time.”
