Page 70 of Dare You to Lie

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“Seriously? I didn’t know they worked together.”

“Yeah. Jax does a lot of stuff out of his house, though. He’s got a small room that he uses.”

I scratched at my beard. “Maybe I’ll take her there.”

“Whatever you want. He only lives thirty minutes from you. I’m telling you, he’s the best there is. I wouldn’t trust just anyone to ink my gorgeous skin. Jax has shit in magazines.”

I rolled my eyes. “Why is he working for Beau, then?”

I heard rustling and then a whiney female voice in the background. Will said something, but it was muffled.

“Fine. Asshole,” the voice said.

There was more rustling and a lot more name calling, then Will’s deep baritone laugh rolled through the phone. He sounded so much like our dad, but I’d never tell him that.

“You could be nicer, you know, since you had sex with her.”

“Hell, no. She knew I didn’t do sleepovers when she came home with me last night. She stayed, so she should have expected me to be an ass in the morning.” Will yelled the last part, and I heard more yelling, and then a door slammed. Will laughed again.

“You’re such a dick. I’m going to go now. Text me Jackson’s info,” I said.

“Wait. I’ll go with you guys. I need a touch-up. Plus, Kat loves me.”

“No,” I growled.

“Easy, brother. She’s marrying you. I’d never touch her.”

“Nice to know you have some sort of limit,” I said.

“Hey! When I’m ready to settle down, I’ll find someone nice, but until then, I’m going to have fun.”

“Goodbye, Will.” I hung up the phone before he could say anything else. Talking to him was exhausting.

My phone chimed with a text. Will had sent Jackson’s address and phone number. Five minutes later, my phone chimed again, and I growled when I read the message.

Will:I called Jackson. We’re all set for two o’clock today. See you two there.

“Bad morning?” Kat asked.

I looked up and smiled. She’d piled her hair in a messy bun on top of her head, and her face was free of makeup. She looked adorable, and I wanted to bury myself inside her and forget about how angry my brother made me. I also forgot why I was keeping my distance and opened my arms.

“I’m fine. Come here.”

She walked over and stood in front of me. I wrapped my arms around her middle and hugged her close, resting my chin on the top of her head.

“What are your plans for the day?”

“I don’t have any. Normally, I work, but Sarah closed for the day so she could go to a family event.”

“What do you say we go get your tattoo?” I asked.

She pulled back to look at me. “Seriously?”

“Yeah. My brother knows someone who works with Beau. He does some tattooing out of his house, and Will said he’s available this afternoon if you want to go.”

“Yes!” she shouted. She hugged me and then did a happy dance. “Thank you.”

I nodded. “I’m going to get ready for a run.”
