Page 71 of Our Offseason

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“You are such a brat, Claire Kessel!” he yelled with wild eyes.

“No, you’re a–”

He snaked his arm around my body and pulled me into his chest and kissed me roughly on the lips.

I arched into him and let out a groan. I wanted this. I did. Sosomuch. And maybe if we hooked up, then we could just forget everything that went wrong.

We could forget the fact that he was right and his cell phone was in that jacket pocket and that maybe I had overreacted.

When he broke the kiss, he looked at me with heavy lidded eyes and swollen lips. “We aren’t done discussing this,” he warned.

I trailed a nail down the side of his neck, and he let out a strangled noise. I loved having this power over him.


“I’m serious, we can’t…” She kissed and sucked down the side of my neck, making me even harder than I already was. I was trying to focus, but she was making it very difficult to think straight. All I could see was her. All I could smell was her. All I could feel was her. I knew we were basically standing on the precipice of pleasure, but I needed to confirm this with her before we moved any further, or else we’d just continue this crazy cycle of hurting each other.

“Hmm?” She pulled back and looked at me with a mock-innocent look, but I saw right through it. She was never that innocent; she was always up to something, and damn did that make me want her even more.

“We can’t keep doing this. We need to retire our stupid games,” I told her. “Like waiting on each other, getting back at each other. If we’re gonna do this,” I pointed a finger between us, “we’re going to be normal boyfriend and girlfriend from here on out. Yeah?”

Her face flinched a bit when I said normal, but maybe I was just unfocused.

She grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and pushed it as high as she could, nudging me to take it off the rest of the way. I happily obliged.

She trailed a nail down my abs and looked at them appreciatively– thank God. I’d been working out like crazy just for her.

“What do you say?” I asked her. I was having a hard time keeping my hands off her. The desire to find her other hidden tattoo had been eating me alive since last night. But we needed this discussion more than anything.

She cocked her head to the side. “Agreed. I can think of a new game,” she said with a wicked smile.

And that’s when I knew I was a fucking goner.

“My turn,” I practically growled. I flipped us over so I was on top. I was careful to keep weight on my left knee and not my cast.

I pushed her arms up and trailed kisses down her bare stomach, making her squirm and causing goosebumps to erupt across her skin.

As I trailed lower, I sucked in and gave her a little love bite, and she let out a little yelp.

“Did you just bite me?!” she exclaimed.

“Depends,” I grinned up at her. “You like it?”

She paused, and I could see the wheels turning in her brain and her face flushing.

“Guess that’s a yes, Kessel,” I snickered. I didn’t wait for her response, just kept moving, making her lose herself in pleasure.


We laid on her bed, coming down together. Her limbs were tangled around me– her head resting on my chest, her arm draped across my waist, and her one leg overtop of both of mine, and I loved it. I could die right there a happy, fulfilled man.

The only thing that could’ve made it better was having a bigger bed. I felt a bit out of place on her tiny twin-sized mattress.

“I haven’t slept on a bed this small since I was in grade school,” I said with a laugh. My feet were practically hanging off the end of it. I had to scootch up so that my head rested against her wooden headboard.

She looked up at me with a smile. “Not my fault. Not all of us are over-sized humans, buddy boy.”

“Over-sized?!” I burst out.
