Page 72 of Our Offseason

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“Yes,” she said matter-of-factly.

In a second, she knew what I was thinking, but she was too late. I reached her knee before she could pull it away. That was her ticklish spot. I started squeezing right above the kneecap and she collapsed against me in a giggle fit, trying to argue, but not being able to form words.

“Take it back! Take it back!” I demanded.

She continued to wriggle against me, trying to free herself from the lock I had on her knee.

“Careful! Careful! My foot!” I warned her.

“Okay! I surrender!” she called out.

I let go, then jokingly reached again, and she squished herself completely against me so I couldn't reach her knees. Her boobs pushed up against my arm.

“I mean, I’m not complaining about this,” I said with a grin.

She rolled those hazel eyes of hers and went back to the position we had before with her limbs draped over top of me.

I breathed out a satisfied sigh, thinking of what transpired between us. “That was… that was…” Words kind of evaded me. Because that was the strongest connection I’d ever felt to another person. It felt like our souls were meant to be together. Like sure, I could be intimate with other girls, but it could not be likethatwith just anyone. It could only be this great with her.

She laughed against my arm. “Just like a normal girl, eh?”

My face cracked in confusion. I lifted my neck to get a better look at her face. “Huh?”

Her cheeks started to turn a cute shade of pink and she looked like she regretted speaking, but I wasn’t going to let that one slide.

“Why did you say that?”

“It’s nothing.” She started to pull away from me, but I stopped her by rolling her fully on top of me. She folded her arms under her chin as she lay on my chest. I clasped my hands on top of her smooth back. It felt so natural to be with her.

“Not off the hook, Kessel. What did that mean?”

She narrowed her eyes at me, as if to ask‘for real?’I just nodded for her to get on with it. I wasn’t going to give in. I loved how we could communicate with just looks.

She blew out a breath. “Okay, well,yousaid I wasn't a normal girl,” she said with a little shrug.

I snorted and dropped my head back on her headboard.

“It’s stupid, I know,” she quickly added.

I was the stupid one. I should've known more about how to talk to girls from growing up with Sav, but Sav always seemed to just know what Griff, Nick and I meant with our words. Maybe my sister was more fluent when it came to the guy world than the girl world herself, so it kind of depleted any potential advantage I could have had. “Yeah, I remember that…” I admitted.

She shrugged, and gave me a look that said, ‘see what I mean?’

“Don’t give me that look, Kessel,” I told her. I smoothed my hands up and down her arms. “I meant that you weren’t normal because you were better. I swear,” I said with a laugh. I placed a hand on her face and swiped my thumb under her pretty eye. “You were never normal in my eyes.”

She studied my face, like she was trying to detect if I was telling the truth or not, but that was alright if she didn’t fully believe me. I had time to show her how I really felt about her.

She moved to get up again, and I gave her a stern look and tried to stop her yet again, but this time she laughed. “I have to go to the bathroom, Duke.”

“Oh, I’ll allow it,” I joked.

I watched her tiptoe to the door, thinking how completely crazy it was that I was here… thinking how absolutely pumped my younger self would feel about this.

A goofy grin slid onto my face. I was laying in Claire Kessel’s tiny twin bed in her actual bedroom. I finally took the time to study everything. It looked exactly how I thought it would. The faint pink color of the walls, the old skate blades nailed to those walls, the hooks placed erratically around the room that looked like they were about to fall down from the weight of so many medals hung up on them. She had a shit load of gold and bronze ones, but not too many silver ones. She had a tack board overflowing with glossy pictures. From where I was, it looked like they were all old ones of her and Addie and various other rink girls through the years, except…

“Wait a sec…” I muttered to myself. I strained my eyes to look closer. I pushed off the bed and hopped toward the tack board and pulled the picture down to study it.

“No shit,” I whispered. I stared at a picture of a group of little kids. Sitting front and center with our arms slung around each other were me and Claire. You could tell it was us from the tape across our hockey helmets that spelled out our names. You could also see the blond ringlets coming out of Claire’s little helmet.
