Page 2 of Her Warrior Fae

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After Deron’s dedication ceremony, he’d gotten sick. The healers had all tried laying hands on him, to no avail. I’d tried, too. The fact that it hadn’t worked only proved to me that Terra had abandoned me.

Where was she? What had I done to deserve this?

“The physicians aren’t too worried,” Ellie continued. “They said he’ll heal on his own if we can’t make a difference. I’m holding onto that, but it scares me that we can’t use magic to help him. He’s the crown prince, he’s the Fae heir to the throne. What if something happens to him?”

“Nothing will happen to him,” I said firmly, taking Ellie’s hand. “Terra won’t allow that. You and Ren have been through enough.”

Ellie nodded, but she didn’t believe me. I didn’t know if what I’d said was right, either. I fully believed Terra would spare Deron, but that didn’t mean that Terra wouldn’t give something only to take it away again. Not after that vision.

“What’s going on with you?” Ellie asked, turning her attention to me.

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve been withdrawn for a while now, and something’s bothering you. I can see it. Don’t try to deny it.”

I opened my mouth and closed it again. I didn’t want to put the vision to words. If I did, that would make it true.

Who was I kidding? Terra didn’t give me visions or prophecies that weren’t fulfilled in the end.

“I had a vision,” I said.

The servant brought our herbal tea, and I waited for her to put the silver tray on the coffee table and leave again before I continued.

Ellie waited in silence for me to speak. I wished she would fill it with something else, but she wanted to hear me out. She was a wonderful friend. She wasn’t only my queen, she had become like a sister to me. I could lean on her and confide in her as much as she did with me.

“It was about me and Dex,” I added.

Ellie’s face was expressionless, so I kept going

“We were destined to be together since birth.”

“Really?” Ellie asked, surprised.

I nodded. “I saw it in the vision.”

“Did you only find out about that now? Or have you always known?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. I’ve always had a special place in my heart for him, and I believe he feels the same. But in the vision, we’re together until Terra rips us apart.”

“What?” Ellie cried out. “Why?”

“I don’t know that, either,” I sighed. “I don’t understand it. Why would Terra do that?”

“Have you asked her?”

I nodded. “She won’t talk to me. I don’t know what’s going on. I just know that I have this pressing feeling in my chest, like I’m suffering from a broken heart. Except it’s not broken yet. At least, it shouldn’t be.”

Ellie frowned. “What do you mean, it shouldn’t be?”

I glanced at her and reached for my tea. I blew on the top of it, stalling. Ellie reached for her tea and sipped it in silence. I glanced at her over the rim of my cup.

“I’ve always loved Dex, Ellie,” I finally said.

Her eyes widened with surprise. “What?”

I nodded. “He’s always been there for me, willing to help me, to fight for me, to stand by my side. We grew up together as kids.”

“You and Dex and Ren.”
