Page 11 of Butterfly Effect

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Which brings up another question, how did he know where I would be? Also, the last time the two of us chatted as acquaintances, not including yesterday, we were sharing markers and about to go through puberty.

I can’t remember his last name, not because he isn’t well-known or because he is a walking wet dream.Shit,I am supposed to hate this dude. No, wait, I do hate this dude.

And his next words prove it.

“You went to rehab, right?” Not even concerned about my reputation one bit. It’s distracting enough I take my eyes off his naked torso and find his face super curious.

“Yeah? But not for drug problems.” I look around, and the other students are staring. “Wait, is that what everyone thinks? Huh, explains why they’ve been acting weird.” I shrug and go back to my book.

“So rehab, huh?” I don’t know why he is acting strange; did he think I made it all up yesterday when we were talking?

“Listen, Lad, are you trying to buy drugs? I just told you it wasn’t for that.” You would know what it was for if you listened half as well as you peacock your feathers.

“What? No, I would never. I’m not trying to buy drugs from you. I do need your help, though.” Lad leans in and I can’t say I am intimidated, not yet at least.

“Can we talk over there?” Lad points and he goes first. I sigh and follow him.

My back is against the door, and he lifts his arms above my head to make this conversation way more private than it needs to be.

“You can’t just manhandle a young woman into a dark corner, Lad; it’s creepy as fuck.” I push him away to give us a few inches of space.

“Lad, my truck won’t start I need you to take me to the mechanic after class today.” One of his friends doesn’t even acknowledge a helpless girl being cornered. Minus the helpless part.

“Sounds good.” Lad barely moves from blocking me.

“I see you are getting your sweet licks in for the morning. I’ll leave you be. Alaska, how are you, beautiful?” Rush Tucker, ladies and gentlemen, he is in the running to be the mascot of ‘Dudes who don’t grow up.’

“Her name is—” Lad stops as I start to speak.

“My name is—” But I stop myself because apparently, Lad does know how to respond like a gentleman.

“Alyeska,” Lad supplies, and I am shocked he can hold those letters together without breaking out in hives.

“Are you sure?” Rush looks at me totally bewildered.

“Am I sure that my name is Alyeska and not Alaska?” This time, I stare at him like he’s stupid. Because, well, obviously, he is an idiot.

“Yeah, I mean we’ve been calling you Alaska since like middle school and you’ve never said anything. So are you sure your name isn’t Alaska or did you just change it to Alyeska to seem special or some shit?” Rush is serious. However, I am dumbfounded by his question.

“Rush.” Lad shakes his head at his best friend.

“I’m pretty sure my name is Alyeska. I mean, if it makes you feel better, I will double-check on my birth certificate. I could ask the Ouija board, and try contacting my mom, since she’s dead. Or maybe I will call my father; he might want to talk to me after abandoning me a decade ago. But yeah, I will check just for you, Rush.” If Rush Tucker was on my list as acceptable, he definitely dug his grave and is six feet under in my book now.

“I’ve got to get to class; Professor Winters is about to lay my ass out if I am tardy again.” Rush doesn’t wait around; he doesn’t have time to learn manners. I mean, he is a twenty-year-old boy with the ideas of a middle-aged white man;no consequences.

“Jackass.” Muttering a little close to Lad for my comfort.

Lad nods to him, backing off from me and giving me more room. “Sorry, I always forget personal boundaries. Usually, people always want to touch me and be next to me.”

“Conceited much?” I snort at his excuse to invade my breathing air.

“No, I wouldn’t describe myself as such.” The word seems to offend him.

“Do you think you are going to have a problem after you graduate and go into the real world? Here you are ‘Lad the Hero,’ ‘Aladden the Cannon,’ but when your body is done winning you medals and respect, you will have to start over. You won’t have a flock of sheep believing you are god’s gift. I can only assume that you will have to replace that feeling of being worshipped and loved by another one. Maybe you are already feeling the side effects now.” I tap my chin for dramatic flair.

It is all about the performance.

Lad tries to interject but I stop him. I am on a roll here and he interrupted my morning smut reading session, so he is going to hear my speech.
