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He shrugged. “Yes. But you knew that when you married me. Besides, it’s my birthday.”

Seeing that he’d won, Jack kissed her temple as she slung her purse over her shoulder. But just before she turned away, he grabbed her arm. “Wait, if that’s not the surprise Abby’s working on, what is?”

Robin scanned the room, then shot him a too-adorable-for-words wink and nodded at the front door.

He turned as she slipped away, his jaw dropping the second he laid eyes on Tommy. He strode in, Abby following close behind him, wearing a massive grin and a brand new Snow Hill PD uniform.

“What?” Jack asked in disbelief as his buddy reached him. “Is this for real?”

Tommy shrugged. “Heard SHPD had a hole to fill. It took a minute to get everything squared away, but here I am. Happy Birthday, brother.”

Jack pulled Tommy into a fierce, back-slapping hug. “Thanks.” He stepped back and looked down at Abby. “Don’t tell me you and your mom had something to do with this. Because if so, you guys are officially better at surprises than I thought.”

Abby shook her head. “Nope. But we did convince Uncle Tommy to show up at your surprise party instead of telling you last week. Oh, and Mama told everyone in town not to gossip about the new officer coming to town, or else you’d find out. Does that count?”

Tommy ruffled her hair with a chuckle, and Jack pulled her in for a hug. “Definitely counts. Good job, kid.”

“So, where’s my desk?” Tommy asked.

Jack gestured to the one across from his. It’d been empty since Christmas, and he couldn’t wait to have his old partner sitting there. But then a flash of Robin’s red sundress caught his eye, and he forgot all about Tommy as she made her way through the crowd with a poker face that was too good for even him to read.

He was in front of her in a flash, taking her hands and holding them in both of his. “Well? Was I right?”

Robin pursed her lips, giving nothing away. Then, she blew a long breath through her nose. “You know, I’m not sure I like how perceptive you are, Jack Rhodes.”

Warmth lit him up from the inside as if someone just shoved the sun into the spot where his heart used to be, and he wrapped his arms around her with a laugh. Then he kissed her cheek and nuzzled near her ear. “Yes, you do.”

* * *
