Page 12 of Trash

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After a couple of seconds of back and forth, I finally ask her, “Is there something you want to tell me?” I want her to tell me. I know what it is, but I have to hear it from her. It's been long enough. It's time for her to start sharing.

She shuts me down with one word. “Nothing.”

Then she trips. Falls, bloodies her palms, skins her knees inside her jeans, which are now shredded.

Before we can even get her cleaned up, or back to the conversation, headlights cast a spotlight on us.




Liam and Jeremy get out of Jeremy’s car, slamming doors. I look down at my clothing to make sure nothing’s askew. Other than my bloody palms, shredded jeans, and missing shoes, that is. Then I risk a quick glance to make sure that Josh isn’t indecent.

“Hey!” Jeremy yells, approaching. “We were worried about Dad’s rust bucket crapping out on you and leaving you stranded.”

“Mostly, Dad was worried,” Liam adds.

Both of my brothers give Josh a good look. Jeremy comes in closer, puts an arm around Josh, and hugs him. “Long time.”

Jeremy and Josh used to be best friends. I think when we split up it, they quit spending as much time together. I felt bad, but by then, I was in college and wasn’t as worried about Jeremy’s friendship with Josh since my heart was broken over Josh.

In the glow of the headlights, Josh studies Liam. “How are you?”

Liam nods. “Good.” He shrugs. “At UT.”

“What are you up to?” Jeremy asks Josh. “Heard you moved away.”

“Yeah. Austin.”

My heart speeds up, my pulse racing out of control, I keep my jaw from dropping. I had no idea he was in Austin. So damned close. I clench my hands into fists.

“Just outside, actually,” Josh adds.

Still, it’s close enough to make me wonder about things I shouldn’t wonder, things that are hopeless. Like why would it ever work now? My mind travels to the blonde in the grocery store. Definitely wouldn’t work between us. Anger flares through me at what we just did and how it’s already given me these feelings of hope that are based on something as sturdy as the quicksand-like mud I fell into earlier.

Liam glances at my feet and pushes his bedhead hair away from his face. “Where are your shoes?”

“She fell in the water,” Josh says this before I can form a word.

“No shit?” Jeremy adds, as if he wonders what else we aren’t saying, then sees my face. “What the hell happened to you?”

God, it took them long enough to notice. Shoot. They notice I’m missing my shoes but don’t even click to the fact that my face must be bloody from rubbing my bleeding palms on it.

Time for me to salvage myself and get their minds away from the direction I can see them heading toward. “Yeah, I jumped from there,” I point at the concrete in the water. “And didn’t quite make it to shore.”

“One of her shoes is in the mud.” Josh indicates the other one with his head. “And that one’s shot.”

“And what about your face?” Liam raises his tone.

“She rubbed her hands on it. They’re scraped,” Josh explains.

“Good thing you were here to help her out.” Liam’s voice has an edge to it. I didn’t think he had a problem with Josh, but his tone makes me wonder.What’s he thinking? That Josh hit me?

“I actually arrived a little after.” Josh’s eyes are glued to my face. I’m wondering if that’s because he’s sending me a silent signal not to contradict him or if it’s because of our earlier conversation.

God, I fight back the temptation to say that I probably wouldn’t have slipped into the water if he hadn’t scared the shit out of me. Sometimes it’s better to err on the side of too little information.

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