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She regarded him silently, disappointment causing the corners of her beautiful mouth to tilt downward. He wanted to kiss her again and coax those lips into a sigh of pleasure. But no matter how much he wanted to hold her in his arms, he could never risk touching her and exposing his dark sins.

You stood by me in my time of need, she told him solemnly. I hope to return to heaven soon, but in the meantime, if there is anything I can do for you, I will do it gladly.

He didnt dare tell her the first thing that came to mind. Once he pushed aside those lustful thoughts, he recalled her ability to sense death. There may be something ye can do to help us, but Ill need to discuss it first with my friends.

You mean other good vampires?

We call ourselves Vamps. Together with some shifters and mortals, were trying to protect mankind and defeat the bad vampires. We call them Malcontents.

She nodded. I have always been grateful that there are good vampires determined to fight the bad ones, especially since the angels are not allowed to interfere. Whenever Zack complained about the Malcontents, as you call them, we were told to trust in the Lord, that He had already sown the seeds to resolve the matter. I believe He was referring to you and your friends.

Connor swallowed hard. Hed heard Father Andrew say much the same thing over the last few years, that the Vamps were actually fulfilling some kind of divine purpose in their attempt to protect humanity and destroy the Malcontents. Roman, the former monk, believed it, but Connor had rejected it as a load of psychobabble designed to make them feel good about being Undead. As if it made any sense at all for them to feel warm and fuzzy about being cold and stiff.

I apologize for the way I reacted to your . . . condition, Marielle continued. I was upset about those who died at the campground, especially the children, so when I realized you were a vampire, Ifor a little while, I feared the worst.

Tis all right.

She took a deep breath and extended a hand. Then I would be honored to call you friend, Connor Buchanan.

Aye. His heart expanded at the miracle of an angel wanting to befriend him, but he hesitated to take her hand.

She sighed. I will try to restrain myself from peering past the black wall surrounding your heart.

He reached out, slowly enveloping her delicate hand with his larger, rougher one. The instant his palm pressed against hers,he felt a frisson of awareness sizzle through him. He reacted, folding his calloused fingers over her hand and holding tight.

He looked into her eyes, and he knew then, with a sinking sensation of doom, that he would not be able to resist touching her again. His heart, his soul, his mind, his bodyall were screaming at him to pull her close into his arms. Kiss her, cherish her, make love to her, and never let her go.

Her eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly. She glanced down at their hands, then back to his face. Interesting, she murmured. I didnt realize handshakes were so

A growl emanated from her stomach.

With a gasp, she dropped his hand. Was that me? She pressed a hand to her stomach. Is it normal for a body to make noises?

Connor smiled. Yere probably hungry, thats all.

Oh. She rubbed her belly. I was experiencing a curious sensation, as if I were terribly empty and needed something deep inside me. I suppose that is hunger.

Or desire. His smile faded. Had a simple handshake caused her to feel the same pull that he had? Could she possibly long for him? She had moaned with pleasure earlier in his arms. Did he dare hope

I dont suppose you have any manna here? she interrupted his thoughts.


Its always been my main source of nourishment. She wrinkled her nose. I dont think I could stomach any of your bottles of blood.

Nay, they would probably make you ill. He opened some cabinet doors, searching for mortal food. Howard and Phil come here often to hunt. There should be something Here, ye might like this. He handed her a candy bar, then fetched a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

The food is inside? She turned the packaged bar over in her hands.

Aye. He took the bar, ripped open the wrapper, then handed it back. He unscrewed the top off the water bottle, then froze when she let out a startled sound.

She had a bite of the candy bar in her mouth. She chewed slowly, her eyes widening. Oh my, she mumbled.

She swallowed, then gazed at the bar in wonder. This is incredible. Ive never tasted anything like this. She took another bite and moaned, tilting her head back and closing her eyes.

Bugger. She looked like she was going to climax. He instantly grew hard.

So good! She took another bite and her eyes glazed over with pleasure.

He shifted his sporran to hide the expanding problem beneath his kilt.  Tis better than manna, then?

She nodded as she swallowed. Oh yes. Manna is fairly tasteless, not that it matters, for when were in our usual spiritual form, we dont experience taste. She stuffed the last of the bar into her mouth, then pressed a hand to her chest and groaned.

He shifted his weight. The lass was certainly attuned to the sensibilities of her new human body. His heart rate sped up at the thought of introducing her to all sorts of sensual pleasure. If she could react this strongly over food, what would she do if he caressed her br**sts or kissed the sweet flesh between her thighs? Her soft arms and thighs would hold him tight, her moans would sound like music, and she would shatter in his arms. He could practically hear her scream her release.

She licked her lips. What is that called?

Sex. He stopped himself just in time. Chocolate.

I love it! Thank you. She smiled. Do you have anything else I can eat?

Doona say it. Ill look. Under my kilt. He handed her the bottle of water and turned away to rummage through the cabinets. Holy Christ Almighty, she was going to drive him to ruin. But he was already doomed, so seducing an angel could hardly damage his immortal soul any further.

But he might damage her. She wanted to go back home to heaven. And she believed he was a good, honorable man. If he were, he would do nothing to lessen her chances. He would make sure she remained chaste and pure so she could take her rightful place with the angels.

Besides, touching her could cause her to see why his soul was damned. He could never let that happen. So, it was settled, he decided with a sinking heart. He would not kiss her again. Nor hold her in his arms. Love was always beyond his reach.

His cell phone rang, and he pulled it out of his sporran. The leather pouch was hanging at an odd angle due to the problem beneath his kilt.

Connor, Angus said. Ye dinna call back. Are ye done at the doctors?

We dinna have to go to Houston, he answered, glancing at Marielle. Were still at the cabin, and shes completely healed.

She sipped from the water bottle, watching him curiously.

How did ye Never mind, Angus continued. Im sending Robby so he can get a full report and ascertain whether shes a threat.

Shes noa Roman believes she is, Angus interrupted. I want more information before I decide how to proceed.

Connor gritted his teeth to keep from arguing with his boss. Marielle was not Anguss employee, so her future was not for him to decide.

Robby will be bringing some clothes that Emma put together, Angus said. Father Andrew insists on going, and Gregori has offered to teleport him. They should arrive shortly.

Verra well.

Do I need to remind you no to let her anywhere near the Father?

Nay. Connor rang off and dropped the phone back into his sporran.

Your friends are coming, Marielle said quietly.

Aye. Two Vamps and a mortal priest who is eager to meet you.

She nodded. It will be good to have someone to pray with. I feel so alone with my own thoughts.

Yere no alone, Marielle.

Her eyes softened and she smiled. He curled his hands into fists to keep from grabbing her.

She shifted her weight back and forth. I have a strange, urgent feeling like I might . . . leak.

He blinked. Christ, was she really this na?¯ve? Do ye need to use the restroom?

She shook her head. I dont think I need to rest.

I meant the loo. The W.C.? When she continued to look at him blankly, he motioned toward the bathroom. Come, Ill show you.

She followed him into the small room and looked curiously about.

He couldnt believe he was having to do this. Yeve been watching humans for centuries. Yeve never seen one . . . take a piss? Or make love?

She shook her head. We never pay attention to bodily functions. As spiritual beings, its not something we can relate to.

Well. He felt his cheeks grow warm. Ye sit there. He motioned to the toilet. And . . . let it go.

She nodded. Interesting.

Then ye dry yerself off and flush it all down. He pointed at the toilet paper and the flushing lever.
