Page 30 of Wicked Sins

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“Don’t. Just don’t.” I stalk to the window, the sheet billowing behind me as I rush toward the table where my panties lie in a heap. Quickly, I tug them up my legs and as I straighten, his arms, strong and warm, circle around me.

“Listen to me,bella,” he coaxes in that thick accent that heats my blood. My skin prickles as his warm breath fans over my bare shoulder. “Look at me, Raina.” The command is a deep growl and even though I don’t want to, I turn to face him.

“I just—”

His finger on my lips halts my words and he shakes his head. “Listen, I do want you. Last night was sensational. Feeling your body, touching your skin, tasting your cunt, that’s what I want and need. This can work. I’ll show you. This is something we both need. Our bodies, they fit together. You felt it. You saw it. Just give this agreement a chance. You’ll learn more about yourself and I’ll get to teach you.” His words hold a vow that I know he’ll make good on.

“So how will this work?” Lifting my chin, I regard him with an indignant stare. He reaches for my face, his knuckles brushing over my cheek lightly. The trail of his touch leaves goose bumps in its wake, but it’s his eyes, the gentleness he looks at me with that slams into my chest, squeezing my heart. “Am I to be your possession?”

He nods then. “You are mine. I no longer care if you’re known as the Lombardi principessa. This room, this home, it’s yours. That bed”—he gestures to the four-poster we’ve just vacated—“is where you will sleep every night from now on. I did like having your body against mine. But I need you to remember one thing, Raina.” He snaps his mocha orbs to mine. “We’re not a couple. We’re two consenting adults who fuck. Two people enjoying all the carnal pleasures we can. When you’re in the office, you’re my personal assistant. You’ll be professional. You’ll work for my brothers as well. When I bring you in here, you’re my slut. Your holes are mine to do with as I please. And when you’re not in this mansion, you’re Raina Lombardi.”

Nodding, I lift the sheet and step away from the intensity of our connection and grab my bra and the rest of my clothes. I don’t know what the time is, but I know I should be heading home. “I’d like to leave. I’ll be back for work in a few hours and I need to shower and get a change of clothes,” I tell him without meeting his gaze, which is currently burning a hole in my back.

Once I’m dressed, he steps up behind me, his hands on my shoulders. “I’ll have my driver take you home so you can pack and make sure your cousin knows you’re safe with me. When you arrive back later, report to my office to sign the contract and then we’ll be heading out to a meeting. It’s time you saw the real aspects of my business.”

With those final words, he releases me and guides me with his fingertips pressed lightly at the base of my spine. As we weave our way through the large house, I hear sounds from the other side of the mansion. Just before we reach the door, Matteo, one of the younger brothers, comes stalking toward us.

“Bella.” He smirks, reaching for my hand and planting a chaste kiss on my knuckles. “So lovely to see you. Such a beautiful sight first thing in the morning.”

“Thank you, Matteo. I was actually leaving. I’ll be back later, though.” My voice is barely audible and I clear my throat of all the emotions swirling through me. I wonder if he knows what his brother and I did.

“I can’t wait till then. Franco, I’ve got the meeting with Russo set up today. He’s not happy, but I have a feeling we’ll need to be armed for this.” He informs the man behind me and the tension that fills the open area is thick enough to cut with a knife.

“Si, sono d’accordo. I think we’ll need to call in a favor.” A silent nod passes between the men and then I’m ushered out the door. As I slip into the back seat of the car, Franco leans in and his lips feather mine. “Don’t be late, Raina. Or you’ll be punished.” With that, I’m heading back to my apartment to pack a bag. Everything in my life has led me here. To this decision. To this life-altering change.

Shaking my head, I sit back and try to figure out just how I’m going to pull off working for a man with so many secrets. Some he hides so well, and others he doesn’t know I’ve already uncovered.



“Was this part of your plan? To have your newest toy in the office? She will be a distraction, Franco.” Matteo’s right, but I can’t not have her. After last night, all I can think about is her scent, her body, the way she felt beside me as she slept. “It’s not a good idea to take her to Russo. If he sees her as your weakness—”

“She’s not a weakness. I’m fine. What we have is an arrangement. Nothing more.” Meeting those dark eyes that match mine, I can see the doubt in them. Always the level-headed one. Before we can continue our discussion, the subject of our heated exchange enters. Dressed in a flowing black dress that fits snugly at her waist and chest, she offers a small smile. As if she knew we were talking about her.

A soft blush appears on her cheeks and she dips her head without saying anything. The shy nature of this woman is the most alluring thing about her. I wonder if she’s been made to feel small all her life, like she shouldn’t even be here.

“I’m just telling you, brother. There are people out there who don’t give a shit about hurting someone.” His words are vague and I know it’s for her benefit. I nod, sitting back, I regard him.

“Fine. We’ll go alone.” With that, he leaves the office without so much as a backward glance at Raina. “Come here.” My tone is gruff and she quickly rises, rushing to my desk in her ballet flats. Sweet, innocent, beautiful. Three words that so aptly describe the blond beauty.

I’m enamored, but I know there can’t be more than what I offered her. Granted, I’ve lusted after women before. But I’ve never felt the need to protect them the way I do her.

“I want you to stay here while Matteo and I head to the meeting. Something’s come up and I’d rather you’re safe. If you need anything, you can call me, but the people we’re going to see are dangerous and I don’t want you in the middle of the raging war we’re about to start.”

“What about you? Who keeps you safe?” Her question is adorable and I find myself chuckling. Me? I’m never safe. Not since I stepped up and into my father’s shoes.

“Listen,bella,I’m a big boy. I can handle myself with these assholes. You, you’re a waif, and you’re mine. If they see you, they’ll target you. Now, I want you to stay here. There’s enough for you to do.” I drop a stack of paperwork on the desk, which I need typed out. Contracts for new suppliers, as well as her own contract. “You’ll need to read through and understand the document before you sign it. There’s a non-disclosure agreement, which is imperative. After our six months are over, you move on, and you have enough money to do whatever you’d like to in life. You’ll be able to study while you’re at work when I’m out on business.”

“Thank you. I…” Her gaze falls to the paper and she strokes it as if she’s scared. Afraid of all the implications that are set out in a few measly white pages. The words on there are set in stone. Knowing she’ll have to walk away sets her unease at an all-time high. She tries to hide it, but I can read women. Like an open book, the words she holds in her racing mind scream to me.

Swallowing deeply, I round my desk and close the distance between us. “Listen to me, Raina. You can always pull out. I still need a PA, but the other side of the contract isn’t something you have to do if you feel you can’t handle it. I hired you to help you get out of yourfamily obligations,to help you. The sex”—I lean in and revel in the hitch of her breathing—“is just a perk.”

“Brother, are you ready?” Gio’s voice drags me from my intoxication with this beauty before me and I nod. It’s time to do some business. To get that fucker out of my life. Russo has caused too much trouble. Granted, we’ve not had the best history, but it’s time he learns who runs the West Coast.

“I am. Till later,bella.” Turning, I head toward the door and find Giovanni’s gaze flitting between me and the blonde who’s captured my attention. My brothers aren’t stupid. They can read through all my bullshit. And this is no different. Pushing emotions down is my forte. However, this sweet, innocent little girl is about to unravel everything. Something deep in my gut warns me. But who was I ever to listen to a warning.
