Page 38 of Wicked Sins

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“I, my sweet Raina, am Cristiano. I’m sure you remember me. Don’t you?” he whispers in my ear and the memory hits me square in the chest. “I think it will stay our little secret,” he murmurs quietly.It’s him. Shit.“My two friends over here, Luciano and Armand, they’re just here to make sure you pretty ladies don’t cause a scene.” His fingertips trace circles over my bare shoulder, which cause me to shudder. His dark, slicked back hair, tanned skin, and thick Italian accent tell me he knows Franco from back home.

“What do you want?”

He smiles then. If he wasn’t scaring me, I’d have said it was a handsome smile. He pins me with the most intense green eyes I’ve ever seen that remind me of Chartreuse. Almost luminous. And against his olive skin tone, he could easily pass as a model for GQ. The expensive suit is tailor made because when he moves it hugs his torso perfectly.

“You’re going to be visiting my home for a little while, and since you’ve got these lovely ladies with you, they might as well come too. We can have a little party.” His voice drops on the last few words and the rasp of hunger is clear.


“Will know where you are. You see, he owes me, and I’m here to collect.” The corner of his full pink lips lifts into a perfect sinister smirk that has fear slowly dripping into my bloodstream as if I’d taken a shot of alcohol.

“Listen, I think you’re making a—”

My words are cut off when I feel the barrel of cold metal pressed against my ribs. “Does this feel like I’m making a mistake,tesoro?” The way he murmurssweetheartin his language stirs anxiety in my belly and I can’t find words to respond. Instead, I shake my head and meet my cousin’s blue eyes. Fear dances in them and I nod. Hoping she’ll play along so we don’t get hurt.

When I was accosted in the nightclub almost three weeks ago, Franco came to my rescue, but this time, I don’t think he will. He’s away on business in New York for two days with Matteo, leaving only Gio here. But of course, work called and he’s left us alone.

“Come on, we’re going for a drive.” Cristiano tugs me to standing and pulls me along, while his two goons do the same with Adria and Calista. As we walk through the darkened restaurant, I wish that someone will notice what’s going on, but all the patrons are deep in their own conversations. “And don’t try anything because I’m already tempted to find out what Franco sees in you. Don’t force my hand.” The warning in his voice has me nodding.

When we arrive in the parking lot, there’s a blacked-out SUV waiting, the engine running, and the door opens as we near it. Once inside, I’m wedged against a door I’m sure won’t open if I try, but I know it would be stupid of me to attempt escape when they’ve got my cousin and best friend with sleek guns pointed at them.

Closing my eyes, I pray, beg, and plead with the gods, anyone who can hear, for Franco, Matteo, or Gio to find me, us. As the car pulls away, we sit in chilled silence.

* * *

The ride seemsto take a long while, and as much as I’m trying to gauge where we are by looking out the window, it’s dark out. The only thing I can tell is that we’re no longer on the highway. The back roads are dark or dimly lit, so nothing is clear from inside the vehicle.

Cristiano’s body is pressed against mine as he holds me against him. My hands fist, and my nails dig into my palms to keep from crying, to just feel anything but this numbing fear that I’m about to get tortured or worse, killed.

I know Franco must be back at the house by now, and my phone hasn’t buzzed once. Perhaps he was delayed in New York, but surely Gio would have noticed we’re not back yet. Maybe he can’t find me.Does he have my number?Yes.Shit.Too many thoughts race through my mind and as much as I want to, I can’t still them.Please, Franco, find us. Please.I beg. I plead. And I pray.

I’ve never been religious. Never even been inside a church. But as the barrel of a gun rests against my ribs, I find religion in anything. In anyone. And I pray with all my heart and soul.

I’ve only just found real passion, real love. I’ve finally found myself and I can’t lose it. I need to fight. I need to be strong. Glancing at my cousin and best friend, I can see them trembling, as I am. Fear. It’s such a wicked emotion. It changes you. It can either strengthen you, or it can weaken you. When Calista’s eyes meet mine, she offers a small, reassuring smile. One that tells me she’s trying to be strong. We all are.

But strength doesn’t come easy, you have to fight for it. You have to convince yourself you can do anything. Dad always used to tell me I was a strong little girl. I didn’t cry much when I would get hurt. He once said I could be a queen if I set my mind to it. Now, thinking about it, I wonder if he meant ruling an organization like Franco’s. It’s the only answer I can come up with.

In my heart, I know Franco will find me. I am convinced he’ll save me. As much as he wants to believe he’s not a hero, nothing can change my mind knowing he is a good person. He’s my knight in shining armor.

“Siamo qui.”A gruff tone comes from the driver’s seat and the doors on either side of us open. I’m shoved out of the car and stumble onto the harsh gravel. The stones bite into my palms and I can’t stop the tears that burn my eyes. A strong hand around my bicep has me whimpering as he tugs me to my feet.

“I see now why he’s so enamored with you. Those precious sounds you make are intoxicating, Raina. Is that what you sound like when your cunt is filled with thick, hard cock?” His face is inches from mine as he hisses the words. The stench of whiskey is thick in his breath and I stifle the urge to retch.

“Let me go.” The plea falls into the air between us and he laughs. It’s a full, throaty sound as if I’ve just told him the funniest joke he’s ever heard. Without answering, he tugs me toward the monstrosity that lies before us.

Even in the dark of the night sky, I can tell it’s bigger than any home I’ve ever been in, including the Moretti house. The double wooden doors that look like they’ve been carved from a tree trunk slide open and the light from inside blinds me momentarily.

Once inside, my eyes flit left to right, taking in the beauty of the house. A sweeping staircase fit for a queen with gilded railings on either side beckons, and as we head toward it, my heart leaps into my throat when a familiar man steps out from the shadows of a doorway.

His eyes meet mine. His smirk is cruel and evil, and my heart cracks. My world tips on its axis and the tears that threatened me since Cristiano first sat beside me finally tumble and my cheeks burn with the poisoned emotion that streaks down my face.

How could he do this to me? To Adria and Calista?Confusion swirls in my mind and I feel dizzy from the emotion that seems to choke me.



Storming into the office, with my body vibrating in rage, I feel him behind me. Gio was meant to watch her for two fucking days. Forty-eight hours and he couldn’t even do that. “Look, I had to go sort out some shit. I couldn’t take her to see what I do, what we do. You didn’t want her involved in the business.”
