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“At the risk of ruining a beautiful moment, I guess we should head back downstairs and actually do some work,” I whisper, not wanting to do that at all. He groans and then kisses me again, passionately, hungrily.

“Okay,” he says when he pulls away. “We can go now.” He winks at me, and I laugh, feeling happier than I have in a long time, even if I don’t know what will come of tomorrow. But just for once, I am going to enjoy this feeling, and I am going to stop worrying about what may come next, because the reality is, you just don’t fucking know. I never expected to walk in here and end up fucking Caleb, I never expected to see him again, I never expected to end up with his son, only for it to all go Pete tong—I never expected any of it. You can’t predict, and sometimes, you just can’t control what happens. Maybe I was meant to see Caleb again for a reason. Maybe me working here was for a reason. Maybe it’s all for one reason… that we belong together. Who knows? All I know right now is that I am going to enjoy every single second and live in the moment—something Marcie has been telling me to do for a while.

Seize the day and all that.

Well, this is me seizing. And it seems that Caleb is seizing too.

We make our way out of his office and back downstairs, but as I’m about to open the door to enter the main space where the function is being held, Caleb grabs my arm and pushes me back against the wall, his hand going above my head with his palm on the wall as he leans towards me, almost caging me in with his body.

“I meant what I said back there,” he says in a low voice, and my breath catches. “There is no turning the clock back.”

I move my hands to his face and cup his cheeks, feeling the slight stubble rubbing against my skin. “I don’t want to turn the clock back,” I whisper before running my lips over his. “I never wanted it to end the first time.”

He growls and pushes his body so it’s flush with mine. “Neither did I, but I was an idiot who thought the best thing to do was to let you go and not be tied down with me, an older guy, and I didn’t want others to judge you for it.”

“So what’s changed?” I ask, because there’s still an age-gap, there’s still going to be those people who will judge us no matter what, and things this time around are a little more complicated, what with me dating his son for a brief moment in time.

“I knew that moment I saw you again that I wouldn’t be able to let you go a second time. It fucking broke me the first time, Cameron, and even if this is me being selfish, then fine. I’ll be selfish and keep you.” He kisses me possessively, and I welcome it. I want him to possess every fucking part of me.

But even as I feel like I’m on cloud nine and my need for him threatens to take over every single thought, I have a couple of things niggling at the back of my mind, and when his lips leave mine, I have to tell him, because I don’t want there to be any secrets between us, not now, not ever.

“Caleb, we need to talk about a few things—” I don’t get a chance to finish my sentence as he places his finger over my lips, stopping me.

“I know, but not now and not here. Dinner, my place, tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up.”

I pretend to think about that for a moment before saying, “Depends on what you’re cooking.”

“Trust me, you’ll enjoy it,” he says with a smirk, and then he kisses me swiftly and moves away, opening the door to the function room and disappearing through it.

“Oh yes I will,” I say quietly to myself, before a smile graces my face as I return to the main room and proceed to end the night with another three new clients under my belt. I guess hot sex really does do wonders for productivity.



“Shut up,” Marcie says, as she sits at her desk with her mouth wide open. I’ve just told her briefly about my little dalliance last night, in Caleb’s office, and it’s safe to say, she’s a little shocked—or impressed, maybe a little of both.

I smile as I take a sip of my coffee and let her digest everything.

“I mean, I know I told you to go for it, but fuck, Cam, against the window while we were all downstairs? That shit is hot.”

I can’t help the giggle that leaves me. Yeah, I spent most of the night replaying it over in my head, and I might have relieved myself again this morning, before I came to work, because, well, who the hell wouldn’t when they fucked a delicious guy the night before, and one who knows every single button to push.

Marcie studies me as I sit there with a dopey grin on my face. “I haven’t seen you look that happy in a long time… or ever, actually, and that’s after one night. Damn, I gotta get me a daddy.”

I burst out laughing. She has such a way with words. God love her.

“I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but… it just feels so right.”

“Because it is.”

“I hope so.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “What did I say about overthinking?”

“I know, I know, but there’s the history and the little complication of Danny.” Even saying his name makes my stomach churn. He’s still trying to phone me daily, and I’m still ignoring him. Clearly, he doesn’t want to take the hint just yet. I just have to be thankful that he hasn’t tried to show up at the house again, or anywhere for that matter. I read his messages this morning, over coffee, and they range from being raging mad to grovelling, to insults and then begging for forgiveness. I didn’t reply, just deleted them all and pray that he’ll get the hint… at some point, because I really don’t think it will be anytime soon.

“That’s not a complication. More of a hindrance, an annoying type of bug that won’t go away,” Marcie deduces.
