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“Marcie,” I say, but I sound more amused than anything else.

“What? That boy is just that. A boy. And his actions just prove it.”

Marcie is aware that he’s still phoning me. I had to tell someone, and I’ll tell Caleb at dinner tonight, even if it will feel awkward as fuck.

“You should just block his number and have done with it,” she says.

“You know, I think I will.” I mentally kick myself for not actually thinking of doing that before now.

“Honestly, needy guys are just such a turn off. I mean, on what planet would they think it was sexy to hound us with phone calls and then send messages that are cold one minute and hot the next? And don’t even get me started on the ones that just rock up wherever you are, like some creepy stalker,” she rambles. “It’s just icky.” She shudders at the thought. Although, apart from that one time he was waiting on my doorstep, Danny fits all the other stuff.

“Hmmm,” I mumble.

“And especially seeing as, in this case, you only fucked the guy once. Is that pussy of yours magical or something?” she questions, and I almost spit out the mouthful of coffee I just took.

“For Christ’s sake, Marcie. No, my pussy is not magical, and will you not remind me about the fucking part… I’d rather forget about it, thank you very much.”

“Is that because he was shit or because you pictured it was his dad the whole time?” she says, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

“Time to leave,” I say as I stand, and I walk out of her office to the sound of her laughter.

Making my way into my own office, I set about making the follow up calls to the new clients from last night, and by lunchtime, I’ve sent off the various contracts for them to sign. I’m pretty pleased with how I’ve done and decide to go and treat myself to lunch at the café across the road. I grab my phone and pop it in my pocket, opting not to take my bag with me, because the fact I can pay for stuff using just my phone means that using a bag is almost redundant.

I decided to wear my navy-blue tailored shorts, which come to just below mid-thigh, to work today, and paired them with the matching jacket, a white blouse and navy heels, and I have to say, as I step out the office and spot Caleb raking his eyes up and down me, I’m pretty pleased that I did. His eyes devour me, and I bite my bottom lip, although it does nothing to stop the slight smirk that tugs at the corner. It’s the first time I’ve seen him this morning, and fuck me does he rock the sleeves rolled-up to the elbow look—he always does. I’d love nothing more than to go jump on his dick, but I’m pretty sure that would get me fired—and possibly make me a goddamn hero to any onlookers, because I’ve seen several women salivating over him since starting work here. I quickly change my mind from them thinking I was a hero to them hating me, because women can be unforgiving when they like a guy and you happen to be the one who gets to bang him.

I pull myself out of my thoughts, realising we’ve been staring at each other for way more time than we should have been to just be work colleagues, and I smile before turning and walking away. I make sure to put a slight emphasis on my hips swaying as I walk, just because.

I’m still smiling as I walk across the road and enter the café, ordering my lunch before sitting down. But the smile is soon wiped off my face when another person sits opposite me, and not just any person either… Danny.

“What the hell?” I say, shocked.

“Hi, babe,” he says, as if this is completely fucking normal behaviour. It suddenly doesn’t seem such a joke that Marcie and I were talking about him not venturing into creepy stalkerish mode.

“Danny, what are you doing?” I say quietly, not wanting to draw attention to us. The last thing I need is anyone from work seeing and dubbing me the new office drama, especially with me being a newbie there.

“You weren’t returning my calls, so I thought I’d pay you a visit instead.” He smiles, but it’s just plain weird.

“Why on earth would you think that me not answering the phone means you can just turn up out of the blue? And how the hell did you know I’d be here?” I ask, even though it’s plainly obvious how. The only way he could have known is by following me… because I didn’t even tell Mr Garrett that I was leaving his place to come and work here. I didn’t need references because Caleb had clearly vouched for me to Anthony, even with all the drama that Anthony witnessed when Danny showed up during that presentation.

“Babe, don’t look so freaked out,” he says, ignoring my questions. “I am your boyfriend, after all.”

And shock renders me speechless for a beat. What. The. Fuck.

“I guess you like playing hard to get, huh?” he continues, and I blink myself out of my shock.

“No, Danny, it’s not playing hard to get. We’re done. Finished. I thought I had made that perfectly clear,” I grate.

“Pfft. We’re not done, don’t be silly,” he says with a wave of his hands, like it’s no big deal and I’m just playing a joke.

The waitress chooses this moment to come over and place my food down, and Danny reaches over and takes a chip off my plate. I have no desire to eat, my hunger quickly disappearing.

“Look, I don’t know what’s been going on in that head of yours, but we’re meant to be, babe.”

The way he calls me ‘babe’ makes me cringe.

“Don’t call me that,” I bite.

“You prefer baby?” he says with a smirk, and I resist the urge to gag.
