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“So bossy,” she says with an eye roll, and I chuckle as I move off her desk and leave, closing the door behind me, because if I don’t leave right now, then I’ll end up fucking her over her desk. And that does absolutely nothing to calm down my dick.

Nothing like trying to fight a raging hard-on when you’re at work, huh?

* * *

I have never been so fucking glad to be finished with work in my life. I mean, I love my job, but when there’s a fine as fuck woman who you’re taking to your place for dinner, it trumps working.

I pull up outside her gran’s place and get out of the car. I’ve got the food ready to go at mine, and all I need to do now is get her sweet little arse there and it will be the perfect evening.

She knew I was picking her up, and I am nothing if not old-fashioned as I walk to the door and ring the bell. I don’t know if she wants me to meet her gran, because we haven’t talked about it yet—what with us not even rekindling things twenty-four hours ago—but I guess it’s good to get one family member of ours on board… I hope, anyway.

The door opens, and there she stands, my sexy siren in her tight jeans, white crop top and jacket. Fuck me dead. She’s exquisite. Her hair is back in a high ponytail, allowing me to see more clearly the blush that creeps up her neck and to her cheeks.

“Um, I thought you’d just wait in the car,” she says, shuffling nervously.

“Why? You wanna keep me a secret from your gran too?” I tease, but she doesn’t get to answer as an elderly woman walks into the hallway behind her and stops when she sees me.

“Oh, I didn’t know you were having company over, child,” she says to Cameron, walking nearer to us. She comes to a stop beside Cameron, and I decide to get the ball rolling.

“Good evening, I’m afraid I have come to whisk your granddaughter away for dinner,” I say in my most charming voice. She peruses me, her eyes looking up and down, and I suddenly feel like a teenage fuck boy out of my depth rather than a man who holds down a good job and will treat her granddaughter with nothing but respect.

“No need to put on airs and graces with me, boy,” she says, and I have to fight the disbelieving laugh that wants to break free at her calling me ‘boy’. “Just make sure you have her back here by ten.”

The shock on my face must be clear, as Cameron bursts out laughing before turning to her gran. “Gran, stop it,” she muses, and her gran just smiles. “She likes to joke around sometimes,” Cameron says to me, and I’m fairly certain I nod ever so slightly.

“You’ll get used to me, boy,” her gran says. “And as long as you’re good to her, you can call me Elsa.”

“Uh, sure, nice to meet you, Elsa,” I say, stumbling a little over my words.

“See you later, Gran,” Cameron says as she places a kiss on her cheek, smiling.

“Have fun, child,” Elsa says, and then she gives me a wave before walking back down the hallway and disappearing through a door at the end.

“You ready to go?” Cameron says, and I smile at her, holding my hand out for her to take. As her hand slides into mine, it feels like it never left. Like she was always made for me.

I walk her to my car and open the door for her to get in. “Such a gentleman,” she comments as she sits, and I lean down and growl, “Except for in the bedroom,” before I shut the door and go around to the driver’s side. I get in and start the car, the smooth sounds of jazz playing in the background.

We drive off in comfortable silence, and I reach over, placing my hand on hers, which rests on her knee, and unless I have to switch gears, that’s how we stay until I pull up to my place.

When I moved back here, I bought a two-bed cottage. It’s nothing fancy, just somewhere to lay my head really, but I made sure the place was kind of homely, for a guy anyway, and even kitted out the little room leading off the lounge into a snug of sorts, complete with comfy chairs and bookshelves that run along the entire side of one wall, with soft lighting in the form of a few lamps. I’m not an interior design genius, but I think Cameron will like it.

When I stop on my driveway, I get out and go around, opening the door for her, just like I did when we left her place. I hold my hand out and she takes it as she gets out of the car, and the look on her face has me falling so fucking fast. I mean, I already fell before, but this time… it won’t take much for her to totally claim my heart and do what the hell she likes with it, because I will be too far gone to pull myself back.

Before I was scared, and now, I’m terrified, but in the best way. Terrified of loving her too hard. Terrified of her not loving me back. Terrified of losing her again. But I’ll overcome those thoughts, for her.

“Wow, cute place,” she says as I lead her to the front door and unlock it. I even have window boxes for crying out loud, not that I’ve done anything with them, but they’re there. Maybe she could make them look nice?My God, Caleb. One fuck and you’re practically married. Ease up, mate. Ease the fuck up.

I push the door open and gesture for her to go in front of me, and as she does, I let go of her hand, following behind her as she walks through the hallway and then peers into the first room on the right—the lounge. She’s quiet as I flip on the lights, and then her eyes fix straight on the doors to the snug.

“What’s in there?” she asks. “A dining room or something?”

“Go and take a look,” I say as I lean on the doorframe, with my arms folded, and watch her.

“Oh my goodness…” Her voice trails off as she disappears inside. I may or may not have draped some lights around all of the edging that goes around the room, to make it seem cosier. And I may or may not have repositioned the bookshelves, placing candles there, to add to the ambience of the whole room—battery-operated candles, of course. I’m not a dickhead who goes out and leaves candles burning.

I push off the door frame and make my way to the snug, seeing her standing in the middle, her eyes wide as she takes everything in. “Caleb, this room is gorgeous,” she says when I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

I place a kiss on the side of her neck and say, “I’m glad you like it. And I’ll be fucking you in here at some point, just so you know.” She giggles and my dick jumps. Not yet. Later. “Come on, let me show you around the rest of the place.
