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It made me wonder: if Reed had said no when Cindy asked him to come over, would things have changed? Cindy might’ve gone into her bedroom instead of watching the movie with us, leaving Josh and me alone. And if that had been the case, would he have made a move? Would I have? We’d nearly kissed before Cindy and Reed got there—would I have gone through with it if they hadn’t interrupted?

My thoughts slowed to a crawl. “If you knew why I went over there, why did you say yes?”

The air felt too thin when I tried to inhale, my lungs starving for more oxygen. Or maybe I wasn’t breathing, not wanting to risk missing his answer. He studied our hands as if we held something precious between our palms instead of just the combined heat from our skin. “I wasn’t thinking.”

“You weren’t thinking,” I echoed, and when I shifted, the bed creaked.

“Cindy said Josh was having a friend over, and I knew it was you, and I just…stopped thinking.” Almost reluctantly, Reed’s gaze traveled to mine, but instead of darting away, we both remained lock on. “I shouldn’t have said what I did. About wishing I hadn’t kissed you.”

I had one question.Did you mean it?But I couldn’t ask it—there was a high, high chance I wouldn’t like the answer.

With his free hand, Reed reached out and allowed his fingertips to trace the skin near my temple, coaxing my hair behind my ear. My breath caught at the touch, at the things it did to me, at the kickstart of my thoughts.


My name. Not my nickname. “Yeah?”

“I’m worried about you.”

The butterflies in my stomach gave an impulsive flutter, but I blinked at him in confusion. “About me? Don’t be. I’m fine.”

“I think you’re trying really hard to be fine. I think things are bothering you more than you’re letting on.” He tilted his chin down. “Come to me again anytime something like Friday happens, okay?”

My mouth suddenly went dry, and my hand in his definitely felt clammy, but I couldn’t move. I should’ve pulled back. I needed to pull back. “Why?”

“Because you know I’ll always be there for you.”

Pull back.“As a friend?”

“As whatever you want me to be.”

I saw the second Reed’s expression changed, when he went from open and honest to wishing he could withdraw the words. The thought was so clear, it was practically written across his face. However, the words had already rooted inside me, impossible to shake.As whatever you want me to be.

The edge loomed before me, beckoning me to jump off.

I sat up without warning, tearing my hand from his in the process, shaking it out like I had a hand cramp. Clearing my throat, I said, “I’ll come to you first, then. As a friend.”

Reed didn’t respond. Now I was the one leaning above him, his brown eyes looking up at mine. My heart swelled in a way that was nearly painful, expanding to the point of bursting. God, he was so beautiful. When we were like this, my mind took all the “what ifs” and ran with them. What if he wasn’t Rachel’s twin brother? What if he wouldn’t ask Cindy to homecoming? What if he asked me? What if I kissed him again?

Reed slowly sat up, forcing me to lean back. I looked away, terrified those thoughts had been showing on my face, especially when he said, “I should get my stuff and head out. A few of us are going to the movies tonight over in Hatchfield.”

I knew “a few of us” meant the Top Tier, but I couldn’t help but wonder if Cindy was involved in that group tonight. Probably. My skin stung, the thought itself not settling well.

We were both quiet as he left my room to go pack up his toolbox of supplies, and I stared at the imprint his body made into my covers. I trailed my fingertips over the spot, tracing the slight difference in warmth where he’d been lying. Once all the work on the house was done, he’d stop coming over. He had to be nearing the end of the list, too. Once he was finished, he’d have no reason to step foot in the house again—all I had to do was wait until then.

I could avoid him at Rachel’s house. Heck, I’d been doing it for years. Soon enough, our kiss would fade into a deep corner of my memory, and it wouldn’t matter if he was going out with Cindy or the next girlfriend, or the one after that. I just had to wait it out.

Reed stepped into the doorway of my door again and hesitated, his toolbox dangling from his fingertips. He looked on the verge of saying something—lips parted, eyes on me. Ultimately, he gave a soft nod. “Have a good rest of your weekend.”

And then he disappeared into the hallway, with only his heavy footsteps and my beating heart echoing after him.

Hey Bobcats! Don’t forget that it’s SPIRIT WEEK! Don’t remember the student-voted spirit days? Well, Babble’s got you covered!

Monday – Pajama Day

Tuesday – Twin Day

Wednesday – Country vs City
