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I remembered when he’d finally told me everything about him, about their kind, how he’d asked me to tell him to wipe my memories. He only wanted to protect me and was willing to deny himself the chance to be with his mate if it meant I might live a normal life.

I shifted close to lean my head against his shoulder. “I’m glad you didn’t stay away.”

“Do you think you’’ll go back?” Damien asked. “Return to your classes?”

I didn’t answer at first. There wasn’t any point in returning. The time I had left was better spent training, helping Damien and the others. If dedicating my time to this could possibly ensure the safety of the ones I loved, then it was a clear choice to me.

“I don’t think so. I never really saw much point in college. It was more for my parents’ wishes than my own. I’d rather devote my time to helping you fight the darklings.”

“I don’t want you to miss out on your whole life because of me, Cas.”

If only he knew the immense pain his words caused me. Miss out on my life? What life? Before him, my life had been nothing but doctor’s visits, hospitalizations, and seclusion in my house. It had all become so tedious, so monotonous, that living day to day had become a chore. There was no life waiting for me out there, only death. If only he knew how much meaning he gave my life for once, if only I could bring myself to verbalize it to him.

If only I could find the words to tell him the truth.

My fingers laced between his, and I pressed my lips to the back of his hand. “My life is here, with you,mea sol. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right now, regardless of what we stand to face. I will be here with you... Every step of the way.”

The lift came to a stop at the top, and Damien led me out onto the overlook. The view stretched out for miles. I walked over to the edge, resting my arms atop the railing, taking in the view once again. The wind whipped past me, and my hair danced around my face.

Damien’s arms came around my waist as he pulled me back against him, and I tilted my head to look at him. “Would you believe me if I told you you’re the first person to ever take me out on a date?”

He frowned, eyes falling to mine. “Really? I find it hard to believe that at twenty-one you haven’t been on a single date.”

I laughed lightly. “A bit embarrassing, but yeah. I’ve never been able to really take the time to date or see guys. Too much going on in my life.”

Those words stirred the knowledge that resided in me of what was to come, and my smile faded as I stared into the horizon. I knew how things would eventually end for us. The reasons that I hadn’t ever pursued someone like that. I knew it would end, sooner rather than later.

“Well, I’m glad I had the honor of being your first.” He tilted his head to gaze down at me, those crystalline eyes glowing.

I pushed myself up, whispering before I kissed him. “My only.”

Because there would be no other.

* * *

The afternoon sun had grown closer to the mountain ridges as Damien lead me through the woods of Stackhouse. I recognized the path. He was guiding me to the clearing we had visited on our first date, his special hidden place that he shared with me.

I giggled in anticipation as the trees parted ahead of us. “What are we doing out here?”

“I figured you would enjoy a nice dinner.”

I stopped at the edge of the clearing, frozen in place. In the center of the clearing was a large blanket, surrounded by candles. With a pass of Damien’s hands, the blue flames I’d seen in Selene’s temple came to life atop the wicks. There was a basket with plates and utensils laid out and ready for us. Damien had been with me the entire time, though. How had he managed to do this.

“How did you...”

He placed a finger over his lips. “I’m not the only one who set things up for your birthday.”

“But you said you gaveMiterathe day off.”

“She didn’t do this,” he said. “Her and I aren’t the only ones who care about you,mea luna.”

Had Barrett, Zephyr, and Vincent somehow helped in setting the day up? I didn’t have a chance to linger on the thought as Damien led me over to the picnic to sit.

I eased down onto the blanket as Damien did. My eyes surveyed the clearing, remembering the first time we had been here. I smiled, watching Damien open the basket and pull out an assortment of warm food. Whoever had helped him set this up had left this fresh for us as I could smell the roast chicken, still hot in its container.

“I don’t know what it is about this place...” I started.

Damien’s eyes lifted to me, lit with something I couldn’t quite place. Hope? “Why do you say that?”

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