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My eyes darted to Damien who lay on the ground, unmoving. I watched, desperate for any sign that he was still breathing. The rattle of metal scraping along the concrete floor echoed through the room, and I turned back to see the guard drag a metal chair over to sit in front of us.

I wondered if Zephyr and the others were the source of the distraction that pulled Marcus away. I’d yet to see them after Barrett and Thalia left us. Maybe they were okay, fighting their way to us. Whether they were or not I couldn’t let this chance of Marcus’ absence go to waste.

I closed my eyes and inhaled slowly before letting the air rush from my lungs. My eyes opened again, locking on the guy who sat with us now. He sat maybe several feet away from me. I glanced to my hip; as expected, they had taken my dagger. My eyes surveyed the room, trying to see if it was here with us, but there was no sign of it.

Damien groaned lowly, and a wave of relief washed over me at the sound. The guard looked over to him, leaning forward as if he were about to stand. There wasn’t enough time. I needed to act fast. I couldn’t let him go to Damien and risk him further hurting him.

“Hey, you.”

His attention drifted from Damien, and his gaze turned to me.

I took a deep breath as I locked my eyes with his. “Release me.”

His brows narrowed and he blinked for a moment, then shook his head as he relaxed into his seat again.

Weak. Say it like you mean it. Make him bend.

I focused everything I had on him, willing myself into his mind. My voice was firm, unwavering as I spoke once more. A command that no one could refuse slipped through my lips. “Release me.”

His face scrunched, but he rose to his feet. Focused, I maintained eye contact with him as he staggered toward me. A part of him resisted, but it wasn’t strong enough to ignore my order. He wasn’t moving fast enough though.

Hurry up, dammit.

I sat as patiently as I could, my eyes darting to the door, praying that Marcus wouldn’t reappear until I was free. Damien had told me that there were ways to instill your will in someone. This was the perfect opportunity to try it out. Thank God it was working.

He knelt before me, pulling a knife from his pocket, and flipped it open to cut my feet free from the bindings. He stood and walked behind me to do the same for my hands.

I rubbed my wrists, rising to my feet, and I met his eyes again. “Bring my dagger.”

His hands twitched at his sides and his brows knit together. I swallowed nervously as he resisted a moment, but he obeyed, walking away from me to the table that resided behind us. I saw it laying atop the table amongst other things, tools that I knew Marcus had intended to use on us.

I would die before giving him the chance. He grabbed my dagger and returned to me. As I wrapped my fingers around the handle, he didn’t release it. His grip tightened as he resisted me again. I leaned in close to him, touching his hand to strengthen the connection, a connection he wouldn’t be able to resist no matter what.


His eyes flickered before he collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

Faster than I could think, I dropped to my knee, dagger firm in my hand, but I froze, the blade halting before it slit his throat.

I clutched the hilt of my dagger so tightly, my knuckles went white, the blade pressing into his skin just enough to draw blood. My chest heaved. What was I doing? Had I become something that could take someone’s life so easily?

Why do you hesitate?

The dagger slipped from my fingers and bounced off the concrete. My hands shook at the realization of what I’d almost done. While the voice that whispered into my mind sounded like my own, it wasn’t right. The venom behind it left me ill, bile rising in my throat. This wasn’t me. I didn’t want this.

Stop freaking out. He’s going to wake up again!

I clenched my fists, scrambling to my feet and hurrying over to the table. My eyes darted over the various tools before finding some zip ties and duct tape. Time was against me as I bound his hands and feet. To make sure he couldn’t call for help if he did wake, I taped his mouth shut. My body wouldn’t respond to me for a moment, eyes locked on him as he breathed. What now?

“Cas?” Damien groaned and I grabbed my dagger as I rushed to his side.

“Easy,mea sol, your head’s bleeding.” I cut his hands and feet free and pulled the chair away from him before helping him sit up.

He grimaced as he steadied, his hand rising to his head. His eyes shifted to the guy who lay unconscious and bound just several feet away from us. “How did you get free?”

I stretched up onto my knees to inspect his injury. “I told him what to do, and he listened.”

He barked a low laugh but winced, clutching his head. “You’re getting good at that.”
