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My second kiss I’d ever experienced, and it was more than I could have ever imagined. His lips caressed mine ever so softly, the sensation of his skin gliding across my own leaving me wondering how to breathe. After a few tender strokes, his lips parted, and his tongue glided across the crease of my lips.

Damien pulled back suddenly. “Sorry, I, Uh, I got ahead of myself.” He fumbled his words abruptly, as if he had kissed me without my permission. He hadn’t, though. I’d honestly felt a need to feel his touch building in me for a long while. I was... starved for it. It was foolish. How could I starve for something I’d never had?

There was a part of me that needed that physical intimacy, craved it even. I needed that connection with someone more than anything, and with him, it felt right.

He raked his hand through his hair, brushing it from his face, and a heavy breath of frustration escaped him. He wanted to continue, but he didn’t. He closed his eyes, and I could almost feel the emotions rising off him.

Behind those eyes I couldn’t miss the maelstrom of emotions conflicting with one another. My own thoughts were a blur, and I couldn’t seem to form any words or thoughts. What should I say? WhatcouldI say? Would it sound weird if I asked him not to stop? Would he think of me differently?

My hand trembled as I reached out to him, fearful of rejection. I gripped gently at the sleeve of his shirt.Don’t stop. Please, not yet. More than anything, I wanted him to continue, to feel him against me as I did the first time we kissed.

His eyes drifted back to me, his hand reaching out to gently brush against my cheek. I closed my eyes as his thumb grazed against my lower lip. He leaned back into me, slowly, and I did the same.

I couldn’t understand how such a simple touch could make someone feel this way. How every brush of our skin could be so electric. I was drawn to him, in a way I couldn’t fully describe. It was as if Damien had become some sort of gravitational entity and I was being pulled in toward him.

Ding! The dryer’s alarm went off alerting us that it was done. We both seemed to wake up to reality, frozen for a moment. Simultaneously, we looked down hallway and then back to each other. His eyes flitted back and forth between my own, and for a moment, I caught a glimpse of that sadness I’d seen before.

“We should probably get that...” he muttered, but he didn’t move.

I sat there momentarily, lost. My body begged for his touch, my skin tingling where he’d been just moments before. I was breathless, my mind still working through all these thoughts and emotions. Was this what it felt like to be with someone? Were we even together like that? Or was this just something like the night of our first kiss? Did this mean anything to him? Did it matter? Would it be better if he didn’t develop any feelings for me? If he didn’t get… attached?

His hand came to rest on mine in my lap. “Cas?”

I opened my mouth to speak, but couldn’t bring myself to give a simple reply, like the words were stuck in my throat. My hand came to my chest, my weak heart beating beneath my palm. It had terrified me each time we encountered one another, how my heart would take off as it was now. But there was no pain, only butterflies and adrenaline that continued to pump through my veins and dance in my stomach.

“I’m fine... I… I just…” I couldn’t form the words, but I didn’t want it to end. Not yet.

Damien’s fingers slid under my hand, lifting it away from my chest. He placed a gentle kiss on the back of my knuckles, trailing a line of kisses from the back around to my palm. Something bloomed in my chest, my hand twitching delicately with each stroke of his lips. The feeling sank into me, taking root in the very core of my being. His other hand came to my chin, lifting my face to his as his lips met mine again.

Like velvet, his lips caressed mine, and when they parted this time, I received him. I could feel his desire with each stroke of his tongue. His hands slid down along my neck slowly, to my shoulders, and didn’t stop. Everywhere his fingers glided left chills in their wake, and I shivered.

He broke the kiss for a moment and looked at me, those fierce eyes reaching down to the depths of my soul. “I’m sorry. We… We should probably stop. If we continue… I... I don’t want to do anything you’re not ready for.”

We sat there a moment, both an equal mess and out of breath. I wondered if he felt the same way I did. His words left me hesitant a moment. Was this going to happen? Was I ready if this went past just kissing? What was I hesitating for? It wasn’t as if I was saving myself for marriage.

Without thinking I pushed myself up and took his face in my hands, meeting that desire of his with my own. A satisfied groan rippled from his throat as he accepted me, and his hands reached for my waist. I gasped against his lips at the firmness of his callused palms as they molded against my skin.

His tongue moved in gentle strokes against my own. Something sparked to life as his hands grabbed my waist and pulled me up against him. I moved with him as he lifted me up, straddling me across his lap.

There was no one here to taunt and tease me. Damien and I were alone in this place. I threw all hesitation to the wind and my hands held onto his shoulders. He groaned in approval and his lips trailed kisses over my jaw, down to my neck. I shuddered, my back arching into his touch. Books could not prepare me for what came to life within me with each stroke of his fingers against my skin. I needed more.

Air hissed through my teeth as he forced himself to slow down. The sinful combination of his lips and tongue, warm and wet against my skin left me teetering on some sort of edge. When the rush of his hot breath spilled over my skin it sent a chill through my body, and my legs trembled, the heat growing within me.

My fingers tangled in his long, dark hair as I struggled to focus. I pressed closer to him, wanting to feel more, tilting my face to kiss him again. His fingers ground into my hips, holding me in place. His hand reached for my face, turning me to the side as he moved his face next to mine.

He nipped at my ear before whispering, “Easy, mea luna, I want to savor you.”

Those words left me defenseless, my mind not fully processing what he’d called me as the roughness of his voice sent chills down my spine. My head fell back as his lips danced over my neck, teeth grazing, and air rushed into my lungs as his hand reached under the thin cotton of his shirt I wore.

His hand slid up, trailing lazily over my waist, across my ribs, and farther up until he cupped my breast. My body bucked against him, and his free hand tangled in my hair, keeping me in place while he savored my throat. The feeling that consumed me could only be described as pure need. I wanted him, more of him, all of him. As if on cue, his lips found their way back to mine, his tongue assaulting me now.

A deep sound rippled from his chest as my nails bit into his back at his incessant, teasing touches. I could feel him under me, feel the swollen bulge that pressed into me through the thin cotton of the sweatpants I wore, and wondered what it would feel like. His hands slid down my sides, gripping my hips as he ground me firmly against him, as if he’d felt my curiosity.

I moaned against his mouth. Before I could fully give into it, nervousness nipped at my stomach. Was this too soon? Were we going to go that far? I could barely ignore the throbbing heat that consumed me now, the need to continue, but I tried to think rationally about what was happening.

He must have felt my hesitancy. Despite his obvious need he paused, breath erratic as he released my hips, and cupped my face to look me in the eyes. “We don’t have to do it,” he assured me. “We can stop here.”

I smiled, sighing heavily as I stared into those gorgeous eyes of his. “Maybe that would be a good idea.”
