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He smiled tenderly, kissing me once more before wrapping his arms around me in a tight embrace. I smiled at the way I fit against him perfectly, like a puzzle piece.

My missing puzzle piece.

* * *

I shut my front door behind me and leaned back against the frame of it as I sighed heavily. I peeked out the window in time to see Damien’s car pull out onto the road and disappear from view. While my time with him started out rocky, the remainder of it was nothing short of amazing.

My phone rang and I pulled it from my pocket to see that Damien had texted me.

‘I had fun today. I hope we can do this again.’

My phone rang again as he sent another text immediately.

‘We’re having a bonfire tomorrow around 8 at my house if you’d like to come. You can bring Kat if you want.’

I smiled to myself, typing away on my phone.

‘I’d love that.’

My phone hummed as his response came through.

‘I’ll pick you up at 7:30. Sweet dreams.’

My chest swelled reading his words and I responded one last time.

‘Sweet dreams.’

I glided up to my room, floating on cloud nine up the stairs, and fell onto my bed.

We’d cooked dinner together and spent the evening chatting. He’d asked me all sorts of questions about myself, what I enjoyed doing, what books I loved to read, anything and everything. I longed to know him more, see more of this intimate side of him I’d never experienced, and the urge to get closer to him only deepened.

The curious part of my mind wondered what it would have been like if we hadn’t stopped where we had on his living room floor. I knew that it was for the best that we stopped when we did, though. While I knew my time was limited, I didn’t want to rush things and regret it. There was something about him that drew me in, as if my soul needed to be with him. Even though it was cruel of me, I wanted to enjoy the time I had with him as much as possible.

My fingers brushed against my lips where I could still faintly feel him. I closed my eyes, remembering his hands gliding along my skin. The sound of his breathing, the heat of his mouth. I curled up into myself, staring up at the ceiling in the dark of my room, and my dreams explored all the possibilities of what would have happened if we hadn’t stopped.


Kat had been trying to get me to go to one of her parties for years, so the moment I invited her to a bonfire with Damien and his group, she immediately said yes. I was excited for her to meet them all.

“How many people do you think are gonna be there?” Kat asked as I did my makeup. She sat perched on the counter of my vanity, already ready to go.

“It’ll probably just be Damien and his friends. So, Barrett, Cole, Zephyr, Vincent, James, and probably Cole’s girlfriend, Amara.” I didn’t say how much I hoped Amara wouldn’t be there.

I couldn’t figure out why Amara was always so sour to be around. Maybe it was just that she was sour whenIwas around. She hardly interacted when we all hung out on campus, save the random glances of jealousy or annoyance when I spoke to Cole, which was irritating given that I wasn’t interested in him. We were just friends.

I shook off the irritation and continued getting ready. “Did you invite Cody?”

“He’s already got plans tonight, but its ok.”

A knock at the door downstairs interrupted our conversation, and I glanced at my phone to realize it was already time for Damien to pick us up. I stepped back for a second to assess my hair and makeup before I hurried downstairs, Kat hot on my heels as our giggles echoed off the walls.

Damien greeted us with a smile, his eye settling on me. “You ready to go?”

“Ready and excited.”

* * *

The moon hung in the sky as I climbed out of Damien’s car. I could already hear the laughter and jokes ringing out from the back of his house. He closed the car door as soon as Kat climbed out of the back seat, and she took my hand dragging me toward the steps.
