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Metal shackles wrapped around my wrists, and chains suspended me, the metal biting into my skin. I wished so badly I could lay down, find a more comfortable position, but I could only dangle. My eyes burned when I opened them, and the inky darkness that surrounded me left me blind. I blinked profusely, struggling with the soreness that racked my body.

“About time you woke up.” Marcus’ voice echoed off the empty walls.

A rush of air sucked in through my teeth. My body reacted involuntarily, shifting as I pulled back to get away. But I was unable to move from where I was. As I jerked the chains rattled, leaving me not only blind but unable to hear where he was. My eyes darted around in the dark, but it was useless; I couldn’t see anything. The metal was cold against my palms as I wrapped my hands around the chains that tethered me, jerking and pulling to get free.

“Where are you?” I snapped, helpless. Unable to run, unable to see, completely defenseless in my inability to shield my face or defend myself against him in any way.

“I always forget you useless humans can’t see in the dark. I can’t understand how your kind have survived in this world for so long.” His voice moved around me in the darkness, and every time he spoke it came from a different direction.

I was unable to keep my mouth shut. “You just don’t want me to see what Damien did to you. I’ll bet he kicked your ass, didn’t he?”

Dammit, Cas, you’re going to end up getting yourself killed.

A low growl ripped from Marcus’ throat, but he didn’t respond.

His fist rammed into my stomach without warning. I couldn’t so much as brace for the impact and I lurched, coughing and gagging. The chains went slack, and I fell to the floor before his hands wrapped around my neck, pulling me back up. I panicked, trying to swallow air, but his grip only tightened. He forced me to the floor, the concrete cold against my back, and his weight crushed me against the floor. His grip on my throat loosened but remained, and I coughed, filling my lungs with air.

“Don’t test my patience," he said through gritted teeth.

I bared my teeth, staring forward. Even if I couldn’t see him, it was worth it for him to see me meet his gaze. “I’m not scared of death.” I gasped air once more. “It wouldn’t be my first time. Just get it over with, already.”

“Oh, I’m not gonna kill you.” His words were venomous against my face, and the faint smell of cigarettes lingered on his breath. “She may want you, but she only needs you alive, and there’s a lot I can do to you without killing you. No, I’m gonna have my fun with you first, then leave you in the woods for the darklings.”

She? Who was he talking about?

I tried to piece together what occurred in the woods. Marcus did something to me before I’d passed out. I couldn’t explain or understand what he’d done specifically, but it felt like he was in my head, in my thoughts, as if he’d touched a part of me that should never be touched. I remembered Damien explaining that there were Houses of Power with different blood traits and abilities. Maybe Marcus' ability had to do with some sort of telepathy.

My voice was hoarse as his grip closed around my windpipe again. “What did you do to me in the woods?” His hand tightened and I gasped before he relaxed again.

“Oh, did you not like me in your head?” I could almost hear the sadistic grin in his voice. “That’s too bad. You’d better get used to it, because I’m gonna enjoy every minute of doing it time and time again until you’re begging me for mercy.”

Air flooded my lungs as he released me, and I curled into myself, coughing and gasping. His footsteps faded, followed by the sound of a door opening and slamming shut, the lock clicking. Then, silence.

I was alone... for now.

Groaning, I pushed myself up to sit, rubbing the skin on my neck where his hands had been. The darkness in the room was so heavy that I couldn’t so much as see my hands in front of my face. My clothes were dry now, my shoes gone, but it was cold and given how his voice had echoed, I knew that the room was empty. I wondered where he’d taken me.

I prayed Damien was okay. He’d been so heavily outnumbered, and it terrified me to think of what happened after they took me. Had Barrett heard me over the phone? Did he get the message? Were they able to find Damien?

Marcus hadn’t seemed too thrilled at my comment about Damien kicking his ass, which led me to believe that he hadn’t killed Damien. If he had, I knew he would’ve made sure to rub it in my face.

Bruised skin ached under the irons wrapped around my wrists. How long had I been hanging here? My shoulders screamed as I moved them, trying to ease the soreness from being suspended for too long.

I dragged my hands across the floor around me, feeling for anything in my surroundings. I didn’t get far, for the chains had only been released enough for me to lay where I sat. I hugged myself tightly, trying to find some semblance of warmth, but there was none to be had.

What was going to happen to me now?

Marcus made it clear that he wasn’t going to kill me, but the thought of dying didn’t scare me. The possibility was something I dealt with every day. The possibility of the things that Marcus could do to mewithoutkilling me—thatterrified me.

I had to stay strong. I knew he relished in my reactions when he hurt me. I would suffer, yes, but I’d be damned if I gave him any satisfaction. Maybe he’d get bored of me if he didn’t get the reactions he desired.

My chest tightened. I couldn't believe how weak I was, that I’d been taken so easily. I hugged my knees, curling into myself. My eyes welled with tears, and I fought them back, but I couldn’t restrain them any longer. Letting go, I gave into the sobs.

I was alone. Marcus could do whatever he wanted and there was no telling how long it would be before Damien found me.

Time passed, until I couldn’t cry anymore. Shaking, exhausted, cold. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to succumb to my exhaustion.

I dreaded what awaited me when I woke.
