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My blood boiled at the sight of him. Cole had been the only reason I’d lasted this long, had endured as much pain and suffering as I did. My heart would’ve given out long ago and I would’ve been free of pain if he hadn’t used his magic on me.

You did this.

“You’ve got some nerve showing your face here. What do you want?” I barked.

No response.

I ground my teeth together, my hands clenching at my sides. "How long? Was any of it ever real?"

Once again, he didn’t answer and approached me, grabbing my arm. For a moment, I stared into those black eyes. He looked… tired, exhausted even, and dark shadows hung under his brows. Gone was the sweet boy I’d met, and left in its wake was a monster. He jerked me forward.

I fought him. "Bastard! Let me go!"

He jerked me out the door before shoving me down the hall. Fear swelled in my chest again, the pressure, making me feel like my chest were about to explode. I halted the deep rushes of breath, stifling my emotions, trying to hide any sign of weakness.

Was he going to put me in chains again? The possibility, that Marcus had put me in that bedroom to give me a false sense of security, left an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Was he luring me into a relaxed state just to plunge me into further misery when my defenses were down? It was something I could imagine him doing.

The long hallway was like the other rooms, hollow and cold. I could feel Cole’s eyes on my back as we walked. There was no way I could make any move to escape, not yet. This was an opportunity to see what the layout was outside of my room, a chance to survey my surroundings. We came to a set of stairs at the end of the hall, and Cole shoved me forward when I paused at the foot of them. Hesitant, I inched up toward the door at the top.

Echoes of laughter and conversation reverberated through the door before me. Cole reached past me, turned the doorknob, and pushed it open to reveal a large room filled with people partying and talking. Cole and I stood in the doorway for a moment, my feet refusing to move.

The room was huge, and once again, I found no windows. I didn’t like this feeling of being trapped, not knowing how to get out. I hated not knowing how much time had passed or what time of day it was. I wanted to smell the outside air, to see the sun. I hadn’t felt a breeze on my skin in what felt like forever. It had felt like I’d been here for weeks, but was that reality or had Marcus manipulated my mind?

The conversation piqued, shouts and laughter building from a group of people that sat nearby in the corner of the room around a huge, recessed circle in the floor, where an indoor fire-pit stood in the center. Tables stood nearby, loaded with food and drinks, as well as a beer pong table where others gathered to play. My stomach growled and I did my best to fight the urge to run to the table, to eat anything I could get my hands on.

The foul stench of alcohol and cigarette smoke loomed in the air and my eyes found Marcus, a bottle of beer in his hand. Oddly enough, he didn’t look even remotely affected by it, despite the mess of empty bottles decorating the tables around him. A girl sat in front of Marcus, her eyes glossy, cheeks and ears tinted red, and she seemed a little off balance with her own bottle in her hand. She was the only one who appeared that way.

I knew her. We shared a class together. Her name was Melissa, she was well known around campus. She was a senior and exceptionally gifted, having assisted me a few times when I encountered problems. Her genuine kindness had touched me, and under different circumstances, we probably could’ve been friends.

What was she doing here with Marcus?

Marcus sat, grinning at her as they chatted and joked. That smile of his somehow made my insides turn, with the cruelty and hidden agendas I knew it hid. Melissa, in her current state, didn’t seem to notice anything and proceeded to giggle flirtatiously.

If only she knew what I knew, knew the truth of the monster lurking beneath that mask.

I flinched as Cole shoved passed me, walking over to another girl sitting nearby. I recognized Amara immediately. Apparently, he hadn’t been the only one to betray Damien and the others, though her betrayal wasn't as shocking to me as Cole’s had been. She wasn’t drinking, and the amused expression on her face made my skin burn.

Melissa and I weren’t safe here, but I was helpless to do anything about it. How would I escape with her? I feared the reasons Marcus decided to bring me out of the cell like this, especially with a witness. Would he kill her if I said anything? If I ran? Maybe he intended to use her to make me think twice about running, to keep me obedient.

Marcus noticed Cole as he passed and turned to glance over his shoulder. His pewter eyes fell on me, and the cruel grin returned. The mask relaxed, revealing the malicious creature I knew him to be. Anxiety swelled in my chest, the feel of metal shackling my wrists weighed heavy on me, the burn of his cigarettes pulling air into my lungs in shorter bursts, the sting of his blade… My eyes fell as the friction began to burn my arms and I realized that I’d unintentionally began rubbing my bruised wrists where the bruises ached beneath my grasp.

“Well, look who decided to join us," he snickered.

The others glanced in my direction but didn’t care to cease their conversations. I wasn’t worth their time. There were six in the room, not including Marcus, Cole, Amara, and Melissa. Melissa’s brows narrowed when she caught sight of me, likely wondering where I came from. The long sleeves of my fresh sweater hid most of the wounds left by Marcus’ torture. Aside from my busted lip and the dark bags, my face looked almost normal. It was a mercy to her. If she knew the truth she’d be in more danger.

What was Marcus planning? If he thought I was going to join them for a drink, he was in for a shock. I much preferred the idea of smashing a bottle over his head.

“Why don’t you come sit down?” Marcus asked, patting the cushioned floor beside him.

“That depends,” I replied, holding onto what little defiance remained in me. “What are you planning?”

“Nothing, I swear.” His tone was all too sarcastic.

There wasn't an ounce of truth to his words, and my body tensed as I imagined the worst. Still, I had nowhere to run, and I knew what awaited if I defied him, what he might do to Melissa… I walked over, cautiously sitting next to him, ensuring I could see everyone in the room and that there was no one behind me.

“There’s no need to be so defensive. I promise, I won’t bite,” he whispered, flashing me a pearly smile.

My eyes narrowed, and he barked a laugh, which made my insides boil. I couldn’t understand how someone could do the things Marcus had done, and then turn around and act like none of it happened.
