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I tried to peer around without drawing too much attention to myself, studying the room as I looked for anything I might use as a weapon. My heart leapt. Just on the other side of the fire pit was some long iron tools they were using to tend to the fire. Weapons. If only I could get to them.

There were three doors, including the one Cole and I’d come from. That door led down farther, so surely that wasn’t the way out. I didn’t know which of the other two doors might lead out of here if I tried to make a run for it. If I needed to run.

The lack of reaction from Marcus led me to believe he wasn't reading my mind for once. That, or he didn't let on that he was aware of my every thought and attempt at a plan of escape.

If Marcus tried anything, I didn’t know what I was going to do. I could have made a run for it by myself easily, but Melissa’s presence made it difficult for me to try to escape. I couldn’t leave her behind, and Marcus knew that.


Left with no option, I sat there, aware of everyone’s movements, waiting for the moment when I could possibly do something.

Melissa rose. “I’m gonna go get another drink.” She stepped away, stumbling into the others only to giggle an apology.

“Food?” Marcus offered, setting his beer on the table behind him before turning back to me.

I didn’t respond, watching as he pulled a platter from one of the side tables. A mix of sandwiches lay atop it, filled with meats, cheeses, tomatoes, pickles, and more.

My mouth watered.

“It’s not poisoned, I promise.”

“I have plenty of reasons to not trust any promises you make,” I said under my breath, fighting the urge to look at the food.

He didn’t move, testing my resolve. “Starve then.”

My eyes fell to the food, my stomach crying out for just a taste. I caved.

He smiled, eyes watching me as I snatched two sandwiches, one in each hand, and began devouring them. They tasted like heaven. He returned the platter to its place. “So...”

“So?” I responded, defensive, bracing myself for him to do something as I finished the first sandwich.

“I’m curious.” He paused a moment. “Do you really know what we are?”

I swallowed. My breath quickened for a moment, fear taking hold of me. I already knew he was like Damien, an immortal, but to hear it from him instilled a fear that sank into my bones.

He laughed under his breath when I didn’t respond. “I am glad you decided join us.” Marcus grinned as he leaned into me. “Makes the party all the more fun.”

My eyes fell, not meeting his, trying to keep myself still. “It’s not like I had an option to refuse.”

He grabbed a beer bottle, twisted the top, and offered it to me.

I shook my head. “I can’t drink.”

His eyes darkened at my refusal, his voice slipping into a command. “Drink.”

I took a deep, shaky breath and took the bottle from him. The sour smell made me nauseous, but his eyes lingered on me, and I reluctantly took a sip. My face scrunched at the terrible taste of it, but I forced it down.

“That’s a good girl. You need to relax, enjoy yourself." he took a swig of his beer again. “While you can.”

His words triggered something in me, every instinct screaming to run, but I didn’t let it affect my expression. I needed to be careful, act like I was drinking, but I couldn’t allow myself to become drunk. I would be defenseless against him and might miss the chance to escape.

The beer bottle clinked as he set it down on the concrete, and he looked back to me. “So, you didn’t answer my question.”

My eyes fell, not meeting his gaze. I winced as his hand clasped firmly around my forearm, squeezing tightly. His voice was venomous as he whispered in my ear, his true nature leaking through the veil. “Answer me, little songbird.”

“Yes,” I whispered, fearful of what he was going to do next. I lifted my eyes as Melissa returned with her drink.

“Then you won’t mind staying for dinner.” His lips parted into a grin, flashing his teeth. For that moment, I couldn’t take my eyes from them as I watched his canines lengthen into fangs.

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