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Though he held me, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. My sights burned into her as she lifted her eyes to me. I resisted the urge to fight him to get to her. “You need to leave.Now.”

She bowed her head to me and stood to rush out of the living room. I could only relax when I heard the front door shut. My shoulders dropped and I regained control of myself.

Dammit. What had I done? She had what Damien needed, and I just chased her out. I wouldn’t blame her if she never set foot in this house again. A part of me was happy for that possibility, but the rational side of me knew I was foolish to think that.

Tears welled in my eyes at my own frustrations. “I’m sorry,mea sol. I don’t know what came over me. I just, I slipped, and I saw what she was thinking—"

Damien kissed me deeply. His words were hot against my lips as he spoke, as if he enjoyed watching me attack her. “There is nothing more desirable than a female who will defend what’s hers.”

I pulled away. “Can’t you just take from me? I know you’re worried, but please. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”


I pulled my hair to the side and his eyes fell on my throat, his fangs still exposed from drinking just moments before. He hesitated.

“I don’t think I could go through that again…"

He didn’t respond, but his fingers trembled against my skin, and I felt his resolve crumbling.

“How would you feel if I took from another man?” What was I saying? I was human. That was something that would never happen anyway.

His eyes flashed, a feral light shining in them that made it clear my words had gotten under his skin. The tips of his fingers dug into the flesh of my arms, but I held his gaze, unwavering. “If any male ever tried to so much as touch you, let alone serve you—” He cut himself off, taking a deep breath.

My heart pounded when his eyes fell to my neck once more. “I just don’t want to take from you, when you’re already so—”

“I’m weak! Yes, I know! You don’t have to remind me!” The anger burned me, and I regretted the words that flew from my mouth the moment they did, regretted the hurt that reflected in his eyes.

“I don’t mean that you’re weak,mea—”

“But I am! All I’ve done is take and take and need to be saved and rescued by you since we met!" His fingers gripped me tighter. "I want to help you for—” I was silenced as he pulled me into him, his lips on mine, cutting off what words I had left.

His tongue invaded me, and I melted into him, accepting him as my tongue met his. I was so lost to him that I was startled when he pushed me up against the wall, his body powerful against mine. His hand slid up from my arm, brushing against my collarbone, lifting my hair back over my shoulder. My heart hammered against my ribs at the anticipation and fear of what it would feel like. Would it be painful?

Chills rippled over my body as his fingertips glided over my neck, thumb lifting my jaw, his knee pressed into the wall between my thighs, bracing me. His breath poured over my skin as he moved down to my neck, and my knees grew weak.

The tips of his fangs dragged against my skin, and he froze, his body strung so tightly, and I feared he might stop. I’d felt this before, this… hesitation. He’d done it when we—

When we slept together.

Had he nearly bitten me then? He’d been avoiding his feedings then and I hadn’t known. Did it hurt to not feed? Had he been suffering all this time?

“Damien?” I breathed.

“I—” His breath was so hot against my skin, so ragged that it turned my blood molten. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“It’s okay,” I said tenderly, my hand sliding up over his arm to the back of his head. “You won’t. I know you won’t.”

He pressed a tender kiss to my neck before his lips parted and a needle-like pain pierced my throat. I tensed at the sensation before his hands came around my back, holding me against him, sustaining my weight as my body melted into his arms.

The pain faded almost instantly, replaced with a warm pull. My senses heightened, every brush of his fingertips amplified, electric, burning on my skin. A feeling so intensely pleasurable reached deep within me, like adrenaline taking hold of my body in a rush.

My hands slid over his shoulders and wrapped around him as I held him against me, encouraging him. My head lowered to the side, allowing him the room he needed as I felt myself flow into him. There was something oddly satisfying about it, and a strong flood of emotions crashed into me. Pride, love, adoration… There were so many, I couldn’t keep track of them as they rushed through me.

His free hand slid down from my arm, clasping onto my breast, and the intensity of it made me gasp. His mouth released my throat, and he pulled my shirt over my head impatiently before he lowered himself to take my breast into his mouth. My knees buckled at the feel of his tongue against my skin.

In that moment, I lost control of my body, unable to keep myself upright. He rose, lips meeting mine again before guiding me to the couch. He sat down, and before I could think or react, he spun me around, pulling me down backward to sit between his legs, my back pressed to his chest.

When his fangs sank into my neck again, I buckled against him, but his hands came around me, one rising to my throat, holding me in place, the other moving down my stomach. He furiously fumbled with the buttons of my jeans, a groan of impatience escaping his lips when he finally got them free. His hand shoved into my jeans, and I cried out at the stroke of his fingertips against my heated flesh.
