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That must have been the last straw for Amada. She interrupted me by lunging forward. Her hands were on the sides of my head. She had my hair in her fists, and she began violently yanking it in both directions, trying to shake me from side to side. She grimaced and barred her teeth like a wild animal. She had a deranged gleam in her black eyes that frightened me.

Before the attack could go any further, I noticed a huge shape whizzing past my peripheral vision.

“Amada, control yourself,” the male voice bellowed, the sound echoing down the ship’s corridor.

It was Cyburn. I didn’t know where he’d come from, but he was here to clearly save the day and get this tyrant of a woman literally off my back.

Amada paid him no attention. She swiped at my face and arms, attempting to maliciously claw at my exposed skin.

“Amada!” Cyburn shouted, his voice thunderously scolding. “Get your behavior in line at once!”

Amada heeded the message loud and clear. She thrashed once and then tore her hands away from me. Her posture was hunched. Her chest rose and fell rapidly with each panting breath she took. Her hair was a little out of place and the excessive jewelry she wore around her neck and wrists was a little twisted and half hanging off her body now.

Cyburn stared at her, his black eyes wide with shock. He loomed over her as if he was ready to pounce on her if she tried another sneak attack on his lover.

“What has gotten into you?” he reprimanded. There was a measure of disappointment in his voice.

Amada didn’t answer. Her gaze flickered between me and Cyburn. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and stood up straight. She poised herself and began repositioning her heavy chains, beads, and dangly earrings.

“I cannot have this kind of violent physical behavior happening aboard my ship,” Cyburn said. “Consider this your last warning, Amada. The next time you won’t get off so easily. If you can’t control your anger, I will have no choice but to relieve you of your duties and your position as a part of my crew.”

Amada’s eyes slowly roamed over Cyburn. The sinister glower on her face tremored a chill through my bones. She looked at my new lover as if she wanted nothing more than to rip his throat out with her teeth.

“Fuckyou and your crew,” Amada said scathingly.

Cyburn squared his shoulders and studied Amada with a calm expression before responding.

“Amada, as your commander, you are hereby relieved from your post for the day. Maybe that will help shape your actions up a bit,” he commanded. “Please remove yourself from the premises and return to your quarters for the day. I’ll give you some time to think about your choices. If you want to give me a problem about this, I can make arrangements to ensure that you are properly escorted along with a guard of my choosing.”

Amada continued mumbling derogatory expletives about me and Cyburn under her breath as she slowly turned around, licking her emotional wounds and with a metaphorical tail tucked between her legs.

She didn’t cast us a single glance over her shoulder as she departed, sulking, but I was even more worried than ever, now after having that explosive encounter with her.

I glanced over at Cyburn, unable to pacify my frazzled nerves.

“Do you think that she is going to take your warning to heart?” I asked anxiously.

“She better,” Cyburn said flatly, staring off in the direction from which Amada just stalked off and disappeared after having been unwilfully rerouted to her chambers.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” I said warily.

Cyburn turned to face me. He roped his burly arms around my waist and planted a gentle kiss on the top of my forehead. He consolingly stroked my back and gave me a loving smile.

“Don’t worry about it, darling. She is harmless. She is all bark and no bite, remember? She is probably a little embarrassed right now but let her go back to her quarters to blow off some steam and calm down a bit. I promise she won’t be bothering you again. Not onmywatch.”

He’d promised this before, but I still found myself in situations where Amada had opportunity to patronize me, so I wasn’t entirely convinced.

However, when Cyburn leaned in close to me, the sensual kisses he gave me were full of repairing affection and soothed my soul.

However, it still wasn’t enough to appease my shocked system. There was something brewing in my nerves and an anxiousness settling into my bones.

I feared the worst, but if Cyburn told me not to worry, and if I claimed to love him like I did, I had no choice but to trust his protective intuitions.



Several weeks went by. We continued maneuvering our ship,The Bladearound in the outer rims of the space lanes, weaving it in and out of the Imperial Fleet’s radar. One by one, the rest of the captives were sent back home undetected, and we remained in the safe refuge of our commander and my lover, Cyburn.
