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I didn’t mind it anymore, watching the other people leaving the ship. I was right where I wanted to be, with Cyburn. Our relationship was progressing extremely well. Our love was deepening, and at this point I couldn’t imagine going home without him.

We laughed together, ate together, made love together. We stayed up until all hours of the night just talking about our life experiences. He had quite a fewmorelife experiences than me, I’ll admit.

He had seen more of our universe and the intergalactic space than I could everdreamof seeing. It was seriously astounding to me how much of space he’d already conquered. I had so much to learn from him on both an intellectual and a spiritual plane.

“I’m jealous of all your space travel,” I told him teasingly as we laid together, naked, after a particularly exquisite and passion filled fuck session.

I lightly brushed my fingertips against Cyburn’s muscular green torso and arms. I grinned over at him, delighted with what I saw. He was a gorgeous sight to behold. Beads of sweat glistened on his skin. When he moved, his muscles contracted, giving him this sexy, warrior look about him that drove me crazy in the best way possible.

We were facing each other, our legs intertwined as we laid on our propped elbows, relaxing on his bed and trying to unwind for the night.

I was only a little sleepy but feeling particularly lazy on this night. I just wanted to cuddle up with him and hold him close all the night through. I surrendered myself to him and allowed him to take care of me because he told me how much he loved to do so.

“You’rejealous?” Cyburn chuckled, his smile dashing and amused. “Why is that?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. You’ve been everywhere.”

“Well, some of it wasn’t by choice,” he reminded me, but he was still gazing at me with a smile of adoration. “Some of it wasn’t exactly a vacation to the stars.” He paused again and pondered. “Mostof it wasn’t for fun.Mostof it has been us ducking and dodging the Belic Imperials and raiding their ships for supplies when we get even a fleeting opportunity. It’s been a tough decade.”

“That’s true, and I’m so sorry about that,” I mentioned. “I really didn’t mean to sound dismissive of your problems.”

Cyburn lightly stroked my cheek and kissed me softly. “I didn’t think youwere, darling.”

I leaned over and propped my hands behind my head, now laying on my back as I stared up at the metal ceiling of the ship. I turned my head slightly to the left to look at Cyburn. “Tell me more about it.”

“About what?”

“Alesis, your home planet. I want to know what it’s like there.”

“Well right now it’s infested by a Belic Imperial army of savage robots,” Cyburn said with a light chuckle, attempting to joke around but I saw a flicker of sadness in his black, eyes, a customary color to those of his race and species.

“Well, I knowthatmuch,” I said, smiling and playfully swatting at his bulky bicep that resembled a tiny hill. I was attempting to keep the humor afloat. “I meanbeforethose assholes took over your planet.”

Cyburn laughed. “You are adorable when you curse.”

I shrugged, giving him a flirty smile in return. “Asshole isn’tthatbad of a word.”

“I suppose there are worse ones,” he agreed.

“And I’ve been calledallof them at one point or another by Amada,” I joked.

Cyburn laughed. “I’m so sorry you've had to deal with her.”

“It’s okay.” I gently poked him in the side of his torso with the tip of my index finger. “Now go on. Tell me all about Alesis.”

Cyburn sighed, his voice pensive as he clearly reflected on an answer. “I might bore you to sleep if I get too detailed.”

I closed my eyes, allowing my imagination to wander. “That’s okay.”

“It is a beautiful planet,” Cyburn began. “However, it is also extremely humid, kind of like your rainforests on Earth.”

I nodded. “Yes, I’m familiar. Although I’ve never been to the rainforests on Earth. They were too far away from where I lived in Boston.”

“Was it hot in Boston?”

“Not usually.”

“Well on Alesis, it’s muggy and sticky. As soon as you go outside your whole body feels damp, and it’s not you sweating. It’s just… theairin general. Whenever you go back inside, it makes you want to strip naked and wring out all your clothes.”
