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Cyburn stroked my hair and gave me an affectionate smile. “No one will mess with you ifIhave anything to say about it.”

“I know, you have made this transition amazing for me,” I admitted. “I couldn’t have made it this far without your support.”

“The feeling is mutual,” Cyburn acknowledged, “especially because you have been incredible with the robots. Silver is praising your name left and right. It makes me feel proud, because you are all mine.”

“Wow,” I said. “That’s impressive, especially coming from her.”

“She can be sentimental when she wants to be. She isn’t overzealous with the compliments, but when you get one, you know she means it.”

“I’m glad that we are bonding,” I told him.

“Everything is going to work out.” Cyburn cradled my hand in his and lifted it before giving it a delicate kiss.

“I know, darling.” I smiled at him, basking in his affection.

For the first time in a while, I finally felt like maybe there was some light at the end of the tunnel, and that just maybe, we would persevere after all was said and done. We would rise to the top together, ready to create a new dynasty of our own.



Istruggled to balance my passionate new love affair with Carmela and maintain my duties as a prince and a captain of a generation ship.

It was tough, because my head was foggy with lust. I couldn’t stop thinking about sex. All I ever wanted to do was lay in bed and have sex with Carmela, but of course, that wasn’t a realistic or practical goal. Unfortunately, we had to get out of bed sometime.

I also had to deal with the frequent, unsolicited, and cruel remarks from my ex-lover, Amada, who was so intoxicatingly jealous of Carmela that she was trying to ruin everyone else’s lives around her, even those that didn’t even have anything todowith the relationship.

Amada’s emotions went up and down. On some days, she didn’t give me any problems. On other days, it was all I could do to keep the order on the bridge and command center because of the emotional chaos she stirred up.

Amada was in crisis mode. She was desperate to get me back and nearing the end of her rope. On certain days, and I usually knew it was coming because her attitude would start early, it was all I could do to keep her in line.

I had an overwhelming number of things to juggle in both my career as a captain of not onlythisship, but multiple others floating out here in deep space.

I often found myself sinking into the trenches of stress, but I tried to focus on the positives—the biggest of which was Carmela, of course. She was my support system through all of the turmoil.

Sure, there were a lot of factors at play, and I was running on thinner patience than usual, but Carmela always had a way of successfully grounding me again. Then there was theotherconstant worry in my life, the fact that we were desperately trying to stay under the Belic’s radar.

I had my work cut out for me, but I tried to keep my crew happy, well fed, and gave them breaks as frequently as time would allow. There was a lot of work to do, and unfortunately the schedule of the ship didn’t really cater to much free time — foranyone— including myself.

There were a lot of shift changes going on around here, and even I stepped in when I needed to.

A lot of times I found myself participating in two or three jobs at once. I took on a lot more responsibility than I could handle, but unfortunately, I didn’t see it panning out any other way for myself.

“You really need to rest,” Carmela told me while we were alone, having dinner in my private quarters one evening. “I’m worried about your sanity.”

I grinned at her. “My sanity?”

She grinned too. “Yes. I don’t want you to go insane.”

I laughed. She was so cute. “I won’t go insane, I promise.”

My ex-lover Amada was insane enough for the both of us, but I didn’t mention that out loud to Carmela. Something told me she already knew anyway. I just didn’t want Carmela to assume I made a habit out of making questionable choices.

I picked at my food, unable to work up a decent appetite. I stared at my plate. “I don’t know how else to get everything accomplished. I have to be there for my crew or else they will turn on me.”

Carmela scoffed, but I knew she wasn’t trying to put me on the defensive. “They adore you. They respect you. You don’t have to try to be their friend first. They honor the fact that you are their leader.”

I lifted my chin and stared into her deep green eyes, eyes that were so captivating that every time I looked into them, I felt repair happening in my soul.
