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“Yes,” I mentioned, “and I want to keep it that way. I have to be willing to ‘get my hands dirty’ so to speak, to put in the work and effort on my own. What kind of leader would I be if I just sat around barking orders and never contributed?”

Carmela pondered, her adorable brows knitting with contemplation. “I understand you want to set a good example, but perhaps you’ve raised the bar for evenyourselftoo high.”

“Maybe, but sometimes that’s just the way it has to be.”

“By running yourself into the ground, practically?” Carmela gave me a tender smile. She wasn’t trying to argue with me, but more like trying to get me to see her point.

I tightened my jaw and put up a stoic front, straightening my posture and my shoulders into a straight, dignified line.

“I’ll do what I have to do. I’ve always been that way.” I ended with a shrug to let her know that I wasn’t getting upset with her.

“I know, and I respect your drive and your initiative. I just don’t want to see you running on fumes.” Carmela’s adorable features were etched with genuine concern.

“I think it’s sweet that you care about me so much,” I said and reached across the table to give her cheek a light graze of my fingertips.

Carmela sighed, her cheeks transitioning into a sexy, red rouge. “Just don’t spread yourself too thin.”

“I promise you, I won’t. I have had to do this kind of thing for years now.”

Carmela frowned and picked up her fork. “I hate that you have had to endure this level of stress for so long.”

“Yes, butyoumake it easier to deal with,” I mentioned and leaned across the table to give her longer than normal kiss.

I couldn’t help it. I wanted to feel her soft lips pressed up against mine, the flutter of her breath on my cheek.

I was addicted to the dopamine rush and the way my cock pounded for her every time we touched, no matterhowwe touched. She could simply brush her arm up against mine and it would still make me hard.

“I’m happy to help.” The grin on her face was paramount and made all my senses spark to life.

“Just your mere presence is enough.” I stared at her, completely serious.

Her cheeks pinked again, and her smile was humble. “I’d hardly thinkthat’senough—”

“It is.”

She lifted her gaze and our eyes locked, making my heart pound hard, and my erection as stiff as a steel rod. There wasn’t a single moment of my day where I didn’t want her. I wanted herallthe time.

We had sex constantly. We couldn’t get enough of each other, and it was fantastic. Our lust thrived. Every time we fucked, it made me want her even more desperately than before.

She didn’t even have todoanything to turn me on. I was ridiculously attracted to her, and falling madly, deeply in love with her each passing day.

“What are you going to do about the generation ships?” Carmela asked, changing the subject, and making my mind skip ahead again.

“I’m not going to dare try and contact any of them,” I said.

“Do you not feel cut off from the rest of your fleet?” Carmela quizzed.

“I absolutely do.” I nodded. “But I want to keep them safe, and I want to keep everyone onthisship safe, too. There’s just too much risk involved. Contact isn’t in either of our best interests right now.”

“Don’t you think they are wondering if we are alright out here?” Carmela asked.

“Yes, and the feeling is mutual,” I agreed. “Unfortunately, it’s just what the Belic are waiting for. We can’t make it easier for them to tag our locations.”

“I understand.” Carmela nodded and took another bite of food.

She glanced out the window into the blackness of deep space. I watched her jaw move up and down as she chewed. Her expression was slightly vacant, as if she was lost in as much of a deep sleep as the space that surrounded her.

Being with Carmela alone, dining with her, spending time together — it was my best coping mechanism for the torrential storms occurring all around me.
