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“Really?” Naia looked at them in disbelief. “Instead of being ashamed of wronging?”

“Dragons are odd creatures,” Ekateni said. “I tend to think that I’m better than that, but it might be pride speaking.”

Naia exhaled, annoyed. “So is there a way to kill Cynon, kill the egg or dragon, is there something we can do?”

“There is a way,” Tzaria said. “Your father spent his life researching it. We need to find both forms and kill them at the same time. For now, the vessel counts as his human form. I believe just killing him, like you kill any person, should work, but the texts talk about a specific way…”

Naia raised her eyebrows. “What way?”

Tzaria sighed. “Clear him of his blood, as in removing all his blood in one swift stroke.”

River clapped. “Aren’t we lucky? Isofel can do that.”

“What?” Tzaria turned to him, and the other dragons stared at him open-mouthed.

Fel felt awkward with the attention. “I did it once. I was being attacked, and had no more weapons.” He didn’t even had his hands anymore, but didn’t want to share that detail. “I connected with my attacker’s blood—the iron in it.” The memory disgusted him, but of course he’d do it again to save Aluria.

“Cynon is Harold,” River said. “He was his second choice. And he’s in the Iron Citadel. Its defenses were being reinforced. The ironbringers were being called to the castle to protect it from an invasion or something. But I can get in there—incognito, and even take a person with me. That said, I can’t be in two places at once.”

“So you could take me to Harold,” Fel said.

River nodded.

“I could also get in the castle,” Tzaria said. “With Risomu, since he still has his dragon form. And find Cynon’s egg. I can sense dragons.”

River looked at her. “How are you going to deal with the security? There will be guards.”

Naia was thoughtful. “There wasn’t anyone in the bottom of the castle when we were there.”

“He planned it like that,” River said. “He wouldn’t leave this other important thing undefended.” He closed his eyes. “It’s even under that. Underground. Tightly secured. I’m… not sure how. I just got this feeling that it was safe.” He took a deep breath. “I could get in there, though. No place in that castle is off limits to me.”

Tzaria stared at him. “And you could move elsewhere quickly, right?”


The woman shook her head. “I don’t thinkat the same timemeans exactly at the same time, it’s just close enough that there’s no time for him to recover. We could go down there, destroy the egg, and then find King Harold and kill him.”

Naia was frowning, thoughtful. “I doubt it will be that easy.”

Tzaria nodded. “There will be complications, that’s granted. Do you have a better plan?”

“We should go in two groups,” Naia said.

River shook his head. “I’m the only one who can move all over the castle and be invisible. I could make two of my companions invisible. If anyone else here has that glamour, then maybe…”

Naia sighed. “So you and Fel are going to risk your lives? While I stay here, terrified, hoping and wishing?”

River took her hand and kissed it. “I’ve come back from worse, Naia, so you should trust me.”

Tzaria looked at them. “Perhaps we could try to plan better, but if we don’t do anything, we’ll also be risking our lives, and the more time passes…”

Naia crossed her arms. “It might get worse. I know.”

Fel then recalled the strange amulet he had been given and realized it could work as a safeguard and a way for Naia to know she was important.

He removed his necklace and extended it to his sister. “This was given to me by the First Mage. He’s… a special dragon or dragon spirit, I’m not sure. The amulet can turn back time, but he said we would know when it was used, since it has already been used. He said it was for me or for someone I love. I trust that you’ll know what to do with it.”

Naia nodded, then frowned and turned to River. “What?”
