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“Who do they think did it?”

“Some think it was Ironhold, some think it was… Umbraar. You knew about it, after all.”

That was ridiculous. “True, but we didn’t send people or resources to your kingdom. That’s something that needs to be planned in advance.”

He took a dagger and twirled it in the air. “It’s all speculation. Quite empty. Pointless. I can steer their mind on the right path, of course.” He was staring pointedly at her, as if it was a threat.

Naia wasn’t sure how to respond, so she decided to smile. “Much appreciated.”

“I haven’t yet, princess. I can defend my wife, not a suspicious kingdom with no allies.”

Oh, gross. She’d been hoping his proposal had been a delirious moment. The challenge was controlling her face not to show her disgust, then she quickly tried to come up with something to say. “But if you defend your wife-to-be, they’ll think you’re biased, and your word will be worthless.”

“A marriage alliance will show them that Umbraar is repenting from their rebellious ways, and willing to cooperate.”

There were so many things she wanted to tell him, starting with where to stick that dagger he was holding. This was not the time for it, though. She smiled again. “Your words are wise and will be considered.” Quickly, before he insisted more, she changed the subject. “And what of Ironhold? And their gathering?” Only now she realized she’d completely forgotten it.

The king sighed. “Yes, that. Somehow, they caught hold of our impromptu gathering, and used it as an excuse to cancel their gathering and declare the Ironhold Empire. Instead of asking permission, they decided that they could declare it by default. Anyone who opposes them is declaring war.”

“ThenIronholdis declaring war.” She didn’t understand how it fit with Cynon’s plans, or perhaps it didn’t and was just King Harold being King Harold.

“Perhaps they think nobody will step up and defy them. Perhaps they hope some of uswillstep up and can be turned into an example.”

Unless… “There’s something important. I got information from someone closely connected to their delegation. They left something in each kingdom, a magical object, something that will trigger…” She stopped short of sayingsomethingagain, realizing how vague her words were. She wanted to mention Cynon, explain, but didn’t think he’d believe her. This was so much harder than she had imagined. “I mean, if they can cause an explosion, imagine what else they can do.”

“Which is why many fear to defy them, princess.”

“You could try to find what it is, try to get rid of it.”

King Sebastian shook his head. “Retreating is part of war too. Sometimes we have to concede defeat, wait, then strike when they are not expecting. Not now.”

“So the kingdoms are just going to accept their rule, hoping that one day they can stab Ironhold on the back?”

“You summarized it well, princess.”

It wasn’t a terrible idea. Now was not the time to try to confront Ironhold, unless… There could be some kind of magic that needed Harold to rule the entirety of Aluria.

“King Sebastian, I beseech you to reconsider it. Ironhold has old, dangerous magic. There’s a good possibility that they need to control Aluria due to some kind of magical law, perhaps some way to put something in motion. You have to refuse their rule and help me tell the other kingdoms to do the same. You don’t need to openly defy them or tell them that.”

“Irinaia, your cute lips are so adorable when you beseech. You can have me on my knees for you, if you say the word. Say yes to my proposal and I’ll help you.”

Naia was trembling in anger. “King Sebastian, with all due respect. Umbraar was not dumb enough to let Ironhold come in, station their troops, and put a stupid magic egg here.Wedon’t need anything. It’s your kingdom and others I’m worried about.”

He laughed. “Princess, with all due respect. Who do you think will be the first kingdom Ironhold will attack? Do you think they’ll bring a couple hundred men like last time? I don’t think so. Your kingdom is about to be squashed. I’m the only one who’s even willing to extend a hand, to ignore your family’s tarnished past, your mother’s ruined reputation. Your king is dead or about to die, your brother is a cripple. Who will—”

“Quiet,” Naia roared. “Dare say a word more about my brother and I’ll personally kill you. And you know what? I don’t care what happens to your kingdom.”

She put the palm of her hand so hard on the mirror that it even hurt. Now Naia wanted to go to Wolfmark and kill King Sebastian, as anger burst inside her. How dare he? So he’d proposed to her under the assumption that her father was dead? How sick was that?

Naia rested her face on her hands. Great. Now she had to worry about an attack by Ironhold.

She paused. No. Harold and the Ironhold family were the ones with the hatred towards Umbraar. Would Cynon care about that when he had all the kingdoms? When he had so much more? He could care because Umbraar was one of the few kingdoms, if not the only one, without that stupid egg or whatever. Unless… Visitorshadcome here. And attackers as well. They could have placed an object anywhere. But then, maybe it needed to be accepted as a gift or something, and maybe it had been Kara or River delivering it. Naia was so confused. Meanwhile, Fel and River were in the Iron Citadel and all she could think was that something was very wrong, and yet she had no idea what to do.

She took the communication mirror and stared at it, hoping for a sign, something. Hoping for a miracle.

* * *

Azir didn’t understandwhy Ursiana didn’t want to return to Aluria, especially if she was worried about her daughter. “Leandra’s in Ironhold, and I need to get her out of there.” This had been worrying him since he’d learned about their attack in Frostlake.
