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He nodded.

There was something else she’d been dying to ask him, but knew it had to be in private. Before getting to her point, she decided to test him. “Well, if anything happens, we still have this.” She touched the amulet. “And can go back in time, right?”

“Uh-huh.” His stiffness gave him away.

“River. Tell me now what you know about this amulet.”

He frowned, apparently confused. “Why would I know about it?”

“Because you’re evading the question. Fel said we’d remember it. Do you have any idea when it was used? Yes or no?”

He stared at her. “What difference does it make? This is a powerful object. Imagine how many lives could be saved.”

“You haven’t answered it, so I’ll take it as a yes. When was this used?”

“I can’t be sure.”

“River,” she growled.

“They’ll hear us.”

“I’ll scream even louder if you don’t answer.”

He sat on the bed and crossed his arms. Only now she realized he was using some kind of human sleeping clothes, cream loose shirt and pants that looked strange on him. She was too angry to laugh, though.

After a deep breath, he said, “When I was rescued in the dragon temple. It was you. I swear I didn’t recall seeing this before, but once I saw it, I suddenly remembered you wearing it, but it could be an impression maybe.”

The dragon temple. Many years ago. It made sense. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Why? You have an object that can change the world and you’re going to waste it by saving me? Let me rot in that temple, Naia. I probably deserve it.”

“But then the dragons wouldn’t come to Aluria after you. I wouldn’t be born.”

“Maybe they would still come after Formosa.”

“I wouldn’t meet you. That’s what you want?”

River set his lovely mahogany eyes on her. “Do you really think we won’t meet? Do you really think all we have is this brief life? Do you not think we’ve met before? We’ll see each other again.”

Naia exhaled. “So nothing matters then. I’ll have to defeat Cynon without your help.”

“You think I helped?” He laughed.

“I only found him because I knew his energy, I could recognize him. As my father already stated, it was a miracle that he didn’t know what I was, and that was because you concealed me well.”

“I used all the magic I could to make sure he wouldn’t harm you.”

“It worked. I don’t know how gone he is, but at least he isn’t King Harold anymore.”

“It’s just…” River exhaled and shook his head. “How could I have been so blind, so oblivious?”

She had also been oblivious. “I can say the same.”

“Naia, I’m really charming, so you have a great excuse.” He wasn’t even joking, he was truly pretentious like that.

“Oh. What about me? Am I not charming?”

“You are. For you I should have done better. Much better.”
