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Dropping to her knees, Tempest lifted Sylvia’s head into her lap. She rocked back and forth while stroking the woman’s hair, tears spilling onto her graying skin.

How had she let herself become so attached to a mortal? She hadn’t even had the chance to find out who had wronged Sylvia. The only person here who was kind to Tempest with no ulterior motive was now gone. Honestly, she barely knew the woman, but she felt as if she had let her down all the same.

Movement near Sylvia’s feet caught Tempest’s eye, and her fingers stopped, still tangled in Sylvia’s hair. A red snake slowly slithered up Sylvia’s legs, making its way towards her. Tempest moved to grab and kill the snake when suddenly she stopped. At the top of its head sat a moon and star nestled together.

“I thought you had abandoned your representative, Vesper.”

The snake ignored her and continued moving up Sylvia’s body.

While no god could transform themselves into another being, some could temporarily create one for their purposes or possess a lower life form. She contemplated which Vesper had done as she watched the snake slither up Sylvia’s chest and strike her neck. Its fangs sank deep in her flesh for a few moments before it withdrew and slithered away.

Tempest watched with bated breath until Sylvia gasped and rolled to her side. She moved away as Sylvia retched onto the sand. Once her stomach was empty of all of its contents, Sylvia rolled onto her back and breathed deeply with her eyes closed.

“Are you all right?” Tempest asked.

Sylvia took a few moments to answer. “I feel terrible.”

“Well, you were just dead.”

Sylvia’s eyes snapped open. “I was what?”

Realizing her mistake too late, Tempest relayed the last few minutes to a shocked Sylvia.

“So, he really did choose me.”

“It appears you hold Vesper’s favor.”

Sylvia groaned as she pulled herself up into a sitting position. “How do you know so much stuff?”

“I don’t know about everything.”

Sylvia cocked her head and scrutinized Tempest. “Pretty close.”

The pair eyed each other. Finally, Tempest rose and offered a hand.

“We should get going before something else finds us.”

Sylvia clasped her hand and swayed as she rose. “You’re right. We should get going.”

“Are you sure you’re all right?”

“Yep, just a little nauseous.”

“Being dead and then bit by a snake can do that to you.”

“Excuse me?”

“Too soon?”

Sylvia stared at Tempest a moment longer before cracking a small smile. “You know, I always liked you. I think we’re going to be good friends.”

Tempest was afraid to admit it, but for the first time in a long time, she had let her guard down enough that Sylvia may be right.

“Let’s get going. Do you need to lean on me?”

Sylvia took a few slow steps forward. “I don’t think so. Not yet, at least.”

With a last look over her new friend, Tempest led the way down the alley, setting a much slower pace than before. Several minutes later, Sylvia was already panting and leaning on the wall.
