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“I found you, Tempest. It’s been so long.”

Chapter 2


Gods occasionally came down in mortal form as a test to increase their power. They had to endure a list of trials before they could advance while having no recollection of who they were before the trial. Apparently, the life of a blessed god wasn’t difficult enough to foster growth otherwise.

Aiden leaned forward, his voice neither threatening nor reassuring. “Where have you been hiding?”

It had been several hundred years since she’d encountered another god. While she remembered them all clearly, their voices and appearances were a bit hazy in her mind.

She slapped him across the cheek. His head snapped to the side.

Aiden’s hand flew to his face, and he slowly turned back in her direction. “What was that for?!”

Tempest searched his eyes, but found no sign of the god she had just been speaking with. The god’s consciousness was gone, and Emperor Aiden had returned.

She turned to avoid his gaze and picked up the water. “You were sleep talking. Nonsense that I couldn’t understand. I woke you up.” She shrugged and held the water out towards him. “Would you like a drink?”

He skeptically accepted the water and began to drink. He handed the jug back to her, and her heart sank a little when she realized it was empty.

“Did you not already have some?”

She shook her head. “It’s fine. I can get more later. There’s food for you as well. Feel free to eat.”

Picking up a prickly pear, she moved away and settled on a pile of blankets.

“Why didn’t you say anything? You must have been in the desert at least as long as I was. I saw no water pouch. It absolutely is not fine. Let me get…”

Aiden attempted to stand, only to collapse on the floor instead. Tempest rushed to help him back up.

“You fool. You were practically dead only a few hours ago. You need to recover. I can get more.”

He glared at her as she helped him back onto the cot. “You think it acceptable to call your emperor a fool?”

“If that’s how you choose to behave, then yes, I do.”

She picked up the bread and oil and set them on the bed beside him. “Eat. You need to regain your strength if you’re going to make it back to your palace.”

He watched her settle back onto the blankets and broke off a piece of bread. “What do you mean byyou? You’re accompanying me.”

She scoffed. “I never said such a thing. You’ve made it to town and are safe. Hire someone to take you.”

“With what money?” Aiden gestured towards the strip of fabric around his waist. “It’s not like I have pockets full of gold.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure once it’s discovered that you are the beloved emperor, someone will help you. Maybe they’ll give you a line of credit until you make it home and are able to pay them.”

The bread in Aiden’s hand crumbled. “I should have you beheaded.”

Tempest chuckled. “I would love to see you try,” she muttered under her breath.

“What was that?” Aiden put his hand on the edge of the cot and attempted to rise again.

Waving her hands in front of her, she replied, “Nothing. Just eat your food. Tomorrow we’ll find you some clothes and figure out how to get you home.”

Their eyes locked in an unspoken standoff. Aiden tore another piece of bread, dipped it in the herbed oil, and ate it without looking away.

Rolling her eyes again, Tempest turned and leaned against the wall. She pulled a blanket over herself and closed her eyes. Soon this man would be someone else’s problem, and she would find another town to go to, somewhere she couldn’t be traced to by him. At least, if Fate would allow it.
