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His head snapped towards her. “What do you mean, no?”

Tempest didn’t look away from Soleil. “You can’t break her, but I can. Your powers are meant for the dead. Mine are for the living.”

“Tempest, the only thing you can do to her will hurt you as well. I can’t let you do that.”

“You and I both know she isn’t the main god behind this. I won’t kill her, but I need to know where Aloysius is hiding. As long as he is free, this will never end. My role among the gods is to keep them in check.”

“You’re sure you want to do this?”

“I never want to do this,” Tempest groaned, “but I understand that I have to sometimes.”

She approached Soleil and lifted the goddess’s chin with her finger. “Wake up, goddess of the sun. I have some questions for you.”

Soleil blinked a few times as she took in the room. She lunged at Tempest before realizing she was in chains.

Tempest pushed a small amount of her power into her voice. “Where is Aloysius?”

Soleil spat on Tempest’s face. “If I knew, I wouldn’t tell you.”

Refusing to wipe it off and let Soleil see that it bothered her, Tempest continued. “If you don’t tell me, I will force it out of you.”

“I dare you to try.”

Tempest felt for Soleil’s soul. She could feel the mortal souls from her trials circling the god’s soul within her. While Tempest would never rip away the god’s soul from their body, she wasn’t afraid to take away their mortal ones and knock a god down a few levels of power.

She gripped one and ripped it from Soleil’s chest.

Soleil screamed.

Tempest squeezed it in her hand and snuffed it out. “Let’s try again. Where is Aloysius? You only have so many souls left in there. How many are you willing to lose for the god of war? Do you really think he would do the same for you?”

She could see the hesitation in Soleil’s face as the goddess refused to speak.

Tempest reached out again and pulled another soul from the goddess’s body.

The scream from the goddess of the sun echoed down the tunnel.

Tempest’s head pounded, and she could feel her stomach turn. Her vision was already starting to swim, but she couldn’t give up yet. She cleared her throat, trying to focus and pull herself back together, refusing to show any weakness.

“Please, Soleil. Tell us where he is,” Aiden said.

“I can’t,” Soleil sobbed. “He will kill me.”

Aiden’s voice softened. “We will keep you here until he is contained. He will not be able to get to you.”

“It won’t matter. I can’t do it.”

Tempest raised her hand, prepared to take another soul. “This is your last warning. Don’t make me do this.”

Soleil glared at Tempest. “You’ve always taken pleasure in torturing the other gods.”

“NO!” Tempest yelled as she jabbed her finger into Soleil’s chest. “You turned me into this! I left because I couldn’t take it anymore. I swear I will never let another god use me like you all did before.”

Tempest ripped another soul from Soleil’s chest and made herself step away. Her face was white, and her hands had grown unsteady.

“I don’t want to be like this, and when the balance of the land of the gods has been righted, I will happily let the gods solve their own disputes. To do that, though, Soleil, I need to know where Aloysius is so I can put a stop to this.”

Straightening her back, she turned on her heel to face Soleil again and threw all of her power into her voice. “SOLEIL, I COMMAND YOU TO TELL ME WHERE ALOYSIUS IS HIDING!”
