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Luke yanked the dally off his horn and threw his rope, followed by a string of cussing. Austen was laughing silently and shaking his head as he watched. I just released my rope and stepped down. And for the first time in the last couple of weeks, I honestly felt bad for my brother.

“Sorry, Luke. For what it’s worth, she’s the smoothest heel horse I’ve ever been on.”

Luke scowled and rubbed his jaw as he walked over. His forehead creased, and his eyes shone the sharpest disappointment I’d ever read there. “Dad-blast it!” He sighed and stroked Duchess’s silver neck. “Looks like you got yourself a horse, little brother.”

“Hold on, there. I never said I was stealing your horse.”

“I sure as heck can’t use her. I’m too old to re-learn how to rope the south end of a north-bound cow.”

“Bull. You’re younger than Evan, and he can catch both ends.”

Luke’s cheek flinched. “Evan doesn’t have a bum left knee.”

I sobered. Luke always joked about his bad knee, but maybe it gave him more trouble than he’d let on. “How would that matter? You ride everywhere else just fine.”

He shook his head and shrugged. “Something about how you have to twist to make your catch. I’ve tried it, and it’s no good, especially if I want to be competitive. Guess I’ll have to sell her.” He dragged his rein off Dozer’s neck and walked toward the gate, his shoulders drooping.

Sick pity twisted in my stomach. I’d been so hung up on what I thought Luke might be up to with Jess that I’d missed the sheer hope he’d hung on this horse—the dream he’d just lost. I knew what that felt like. “Why not just breed her in the spring?” I called. “That’s what you wanted to do in the first place, anyway.”

He turned, a thoughtful look on his face. “I wanted to rack up some winnings at the jackpots on her first, so the foals would be worth more, but… how ‘bout a partnership? You run her for two seasons, and I’ll get the foals.”

I stroked Duchess’s neck. I’d never been on anything like her, and I’d give my right arm to do it again. But… “I don’t need another horse.”

“Neither did I. Deal?”

I frowned and cocked an eyebrow. This was stupid. I should just tell Luke to sell the horse and move on. But my brother had wanted this so badly. If I could help him hang on to his scheme somehow, turn a disappointment into a triumph, then didn’t I owe him that? Something in my chest tightened, and I knew there was only one thing I could say. “Deal, I guess.”

Luke nodded and led his horse out of the arena.

“So…” Austen asked from behind me. “I guess you’re the broke one now?”

I laughed. “Looks like it. You interested in paying for some roping lessons? Something tells me I’m going to need the cash.”

Chapter 8



I pushed into the crowded tack room at White Pines Therapeutic Riding Center. Morgan had asked me to stop by this afternoon for their Christmas party, and the guys at the shop had pitched in for some Secret Santa gifts for the kids. The room was completely packed.

It was a good thing that next year, they’d be at the new facility and it wouldn’t be so crammed. Kids were lined up down the barn aisle, each waiting for a turn to talk to “Santa.” I chuckled. Cody didn’t look too bad in the red suit and beard.

“Hey, Jess. You made it!” a warm voice greeted me. “Can I get you some hot chocolate?”

I turned and found Katherine Tracy’s sister, Audrey Livingstone. She was manning the beverages, which meant it was her job to keep rowdy kids from tipping over the cups or hogging all the marshmallows. She held up a steaming insulated paper cup.

I hefted the plastic bag of gifts I had slung over my shoulder. “I’ll take you up on that. Just let me set these down. Where should I put them?”

Audrey pointed, but before she could complete the gesture, Dusty Walker was at my side. “I can get those. That was right nice of you guys.”

“Of course. The were all happy to help out.”

Dusty’s fingers brushed mine as his hand closed over the bag, and I released it. He hesitated, and sky-blue eyes flashed to me for an instant. He looked like he was going to say something but then smoothed it over with a smile. “Thanks. I’ll give these to Santa’s Elf.”

“You mean Morgan?”

Dusty’s face split into an easy grin. “Hey, you’re not supposed to guess! You’ll ruin the fun.”
