Page 28 of The Edge

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Walking down the hall to my father’s office was tense. I wanted to scream, and I should have fought back, but I was too shocked that Bhaltair would harm me. Knocking on my father’s door, I didn't have long to wait for the door to open, standing there was my father. He took one look at all of us and demanded to know what happened. He ushered us all in. my guards taking up their stations with Z and I sitting down in the chairs across from the King.

‘’What happened?’’ demanded my father. I explained what happened with Bhaltair and how Lucien was hurt. My father stood and slammed his fist down the desk.

“He had no right touching you or blaming you for what happened to Lucien and his men. What happened to them, sir asked Finan?”

Bhaltair and Lucien took their men went out patrolling when they ran into a pack of wolves. They attacked with force. Bhaltair, Lucien and his men fought relentlessly. They were outnumbered. One of the guards was able to transport Lucien and Bhaltiar before he died. The wolves know Aykiz is the one the prophecy speaks of, and she is here. They will not give up.” ‘’Neither will I demand the King’’. Lucien was almost gone when they arrived. Our healers worked all night bringing him back.”

Sir! why were we not informed about the attack. We would have been better prepared for the aftermath of Bhaltair rage.”

‘’ You were supposed to be informed right away, I sent word to you the minute Lucien arrived.”

“We didn't receive word, your grace.”

I imagine not! Bhaltair man was sent to inform you of the situation, I should have known.

‘’Well now we know why we didn't find out, Bhaltiar delivered the message himself when he attacked Aykiz,” Zedkeil was angry and for good reason.

‘’He will be punished for what he did, you have my word on that, While I handle this situation, I want you all to get cleaned up and meet me back here in 20 mins. Aykiz we will start your training on the dark arts. I'm afraid we don't have much time to get you ready.“

The King!

I found him in the war room with his men from the elite guards. Bhaltair looked up when I walked in, from the look on his face he already knew my intent. The darkness seeping out wrapping around him.

Everyone out, I would like a word with my son. The men all bowed with a purposeful stride out the door. I didn't even say a word as I slammed him against the wall, pinning him there. “You had no right putting your hands on Aykiz. This is not her fault; she didn't ask for this.

Bhaltair yelled out ‘’It's all her fault, my men are dead because of her. Lucien almost died.”

“Yes, your men died protecting you and Lucien. Lucien will make a recovery. You are the commander of the elite army, stop acting like a child and start acting like the man I know you are. Lead Bhaltair.

“You know the risks when you patrol. You knew Bahaltair what would happen when we got her back. You, right along with everyone else, took a vowel to protect her with your life, or did you forget so easily?”

“The enemies are at our door for her father. The wolves slaughter my men.”

“Yes, they will continue to be at our door until Aykiz fulfills her destiny. Double the patrols, hell triple them. Bhaltair if I hear you putting your hands on her again, I will put my hands on you, do you understand me boy?”

Letting out the darkness more, wrapping around him engulfing him in darkness stealing his breath away. Nodding he understood me, I dropped him to the ground. “Good! Now get your ass up and apologize to your sister.” Walking to the door I stop and turn around to face Bhaltair. “If you attack your sister again, her men have my permission to restrain you, then you will be dealing with me.” Walking out the door, to my office to prepare Aykiz for darkness.


My Father walks in the war room with darkness surrounding him. I know he learned of what I did to Aykiz. He's here to punish me. Darkness surrounds me as my father slams me against the wall, demanding my men to leave. Darkness is wrapping around me tighter as my father becomes angrier. “You had no right putting your hands on Aykiz, he demanded of me. If he only knew how badly I wanted to wrap my hands around her throat, she would cost me my men and best friend. Years of losing my men because of her. My father yells at me telling me this isn't Aykiz fault what happened, that she didn't ask for any of this. This is all her fault; she is supposed to hold this power to release the dragons and heal our land. She will die anyway, why can’t I help her along?”

The enemies are at our door, father, the wolves slaughtered my men. Yes, they will continue to be at our door until Aykiz fulfills her destiny. Double the guards, hell triple them. Bhaltair if I hear you putting your hands on her again, I will be putting hands on you, do you understand boy? He let out the darkness more, wrapping me in it until I can't breathe. Nodding I understood him, he dropped me to the ground. “Good now go apologize to your sister.” My father turns around before reaching the door, if you attack Aykiz again her men have permission to restrain you, with that he walks out the door. If he thinks I will apologize to her, he’s in for a surprise.


Walking to my father office with my guards surrounding me and Z, I felt eyes on me from some of the elite guards judging me for the deaths of their brothers in arms. I want to yell at them, tell them it’s not my fault, I didn't want this. I went from high school grad to a princess that was supposed to save the fae kingdoms. No pressure or anything.

‘’Pay no attention to them Aykiz, demanded Z. They will be on their knees thanking you for saving their sorry asses soon. You will have these skills your parents are teaching you along with Me at your side, Plus these scary guards of yours.”

Looking back at the men and lady beside me, I stopped, turning around. ‘’Thank you Finan, Arkyn and Kalypso for putting your life on the line for me, you didn't ask for this either and I don't blame any of you if you want to leave my services.”

My lady’’ Kalypso spoke then, we are honored to be at your side through this war, from this day till the last day. we will continue to be by your side for as long as destiny allows us to be.”

Finan and Arykin spoke at the same time, until the end my lady!”

Tearing up, I have your back as much as you have mine. We are a team. Together we will fight together.
