Page 37 of The Edge

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I can understand that I've only been here for a couple months and I'm already exhausted.”

You must keep up your energy Aykiz, you must be ready for what comes.”

I don't know if I am strong enough Narcissa.”

“You are already strong enough Aykiz, walking closer Narcissa she places her hand on my heart, you have part of me and Thalia. You have a strong soul, believe in yourself Aykiz. When you're unsure of what to do, look within and you will find your strength.” Narcissa smiles at Kalypso, who has been silent this entire time. ‘’Protect her little witch,” Narcissa disappeared. I dropped to the ground. Wait! I need more answers.” My energy was spent.

“The more you practice the stronger you will be Aykiz.” Kalypso

Aykiz, hey honey come back to me, Whispered Ezra, I’m okay just a little drained. Here eat this, Ezra is in front of me with Roasted rabbit, how did everyone get back and have dinner done? It only felt like a few minutes talking to Narcissa. Darkness has already begun to take over the clear blue skies. You were walking the spirit world for a while Aykiz, when we came back you were in this trance talking to someone only you and Kalypso could see. You need to eat, keep your strength up. I shoved the entire piece of rabbit in my mouth, it tasted like heaven, juicy and tender. Ezra reached out his hand, here Aykiz come sit by the fire and tell us what happened. Grabbing onto Ezra hand I stood on wobbly legs, Ezra’s arms were around me in a second, scoping me up, carrying me to the log by the fire. Ezra sits down next to me, handing me more rabbit and a canteen full of water. As I ate, I explained to the group what happened with Narcissa.

That's amazing Aykiz, but you must have limits until you can control the energy in the spirit world, or you will be burnt out all the time. “Keep practicing, you will get stronger,” Kaique assured me.

“That's what Narcissa said too.”

It's amazing that I was able to summer her when I could barely make mist floating out of my hands. The connections must have been strong here. She did say she loved the forest too.”

Ezra scooted closer to me, our hands touching. I looked up into his eyes and down to his lips. Finish eating, you should rest Aykiz, scolded Finan. Finan voice is like cold water dripping on your head. When we get to another body of water, I'm going to shove his ass in.

“Why are you always so bossy Finan?” Growled Zedkeil. Aykiz already has a father; she doesn't need another one to boss her around.”

“Aykiz is my responsibility, her father the King entrusted her life in my hands, I will be bossy if it means protecting her, even from herself.”

“Thank you Finan, for protecting me. You're right, I should rest, I feel drained.”

Smiling at Azra, good night.

“Good night, Princess!”

Finan nodded towards me, always princess.”

Laying down on my furs by the fire, I watch the blue, reds and orange colors of the fire dancing around, the lullaby of the night luring me to sleep.


Morning lights burst through the canopy of trees; you can hear the forest waking up. I could lay here forever listening to the forest and soaking up the sun. It's peaceful! No wars or fighting. I stretch my arms above my head, I roll over when the cold blade of a sword rests against my throat.

“Easy now Princess, no need to,” before he finished his sentence a deep voice pierced the air, ‘’

Touch her, and you're a dead man.

Looking behind the man that has his sword against my neck, Ezra stands behind him, his sword aimed and ready to strike down this man.

Don't move Aykiz, stay still.” a voice belonging to Zedkeil.

“Well, I wasn't planning on moving considering there is a very sharp blade hanging out at my throat.”

The man steps back away from me, removing the blade. I roll to my feet pulling my blades out for whatever happens next.”

Who are you?

I’m Hawksley and you have a heavy price on your head princess.

So, you were planning on removing it from my shoulders then?

Shrugging his shoulders, the thought crossed my mind, yes! The more I thought about it and just now seeing my blade resting against your throat just didn't sit right with me. I have a daughter about your age, it wouldn't be right ending your life.”

‘’Who hired you to kill the princess?” Drayce stands next to me with his sword at the ready. “Zelos is hiring anyone he can to take you out, he knows you're after the Mage. I took his gold and am not proud of it, but I have a family to take care of.”
