Page 38 of The Edge

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Hawkley, do you know what happens if I die?

Well, you just die princess.

Not just me, the fae kingdoms will fall. If I don't make it to the mage to break this curse, then all will be lost. Your family will be gone. Then what good would that gold be then?”

“Your right Princess, please forgive me, I never did believe in the curse. I don't travel much to the kingdoms. I stay here where it's peaceful. We got hit hard from the drought and we needed money.

How did you meet this man then if you don't travel? Scolded Finan.

I went to the markets to sell some furs. This man was going to many men with gold and promising more if we took out the girl who would kill us all.”

I picked up your trail about half a day's ride from here, the wolves can or have already picked up your trail.

Guards yelled Drayce, be ready for battle, everyone pack up. If he found us this easy, then be expecting company soon.

Kill you all? How am I supposed to do that? Waving my arms around.

Dragons my lady, screeched Hawkley.

Do you see any dragons around here? They are bound by this curse; they are dying just as much as the lands and people are. I'm trying to save the Fae, the only way to do that is to break this blasted curse.

My lady please forgive me, I miss understood the curse.

What do you mean you miss understood the curse?

I just want my family to live. spare my life and I will be indebted to you. I am a good tracker; I can get you as far as I can to the forbidden forest.

“Answer her Hawkley, demanded Drayce.

The curse talked about how she can be the savior or kill us all. The man talked as though she would kill us all if she didn't die, that she would bring the dragons to kill us all.

Well, I certainly wouldn't do that, for goodness’s sake. What is wrong with people?

Please my lady, my lord let me make it up to you.

‘’Drayce, what do you think? Where is your home from here Hawkley?

2 days ride my lord, on the way to the forbidden forest.

We need to get horses; we can move faster and get a head of the wolves.

“There is a village a half a day away. Hawkley replied

You will travel with us as far as your home, that is all. Bind his hands, Ezra.”

“Thank you, my lord, my lady, with a bow.” Ezra walked in front of Hawley, give me your hands. Hawkley obeyed without any problems, waiting patiently for Ezra to bind his hands.

Our group was quiet and ready for anything that came out of this forest, Finan and Kalypso walked on one side of me, with Zedkiel and Arkyn on the other. Drayce was ahead with Ezra pulling Hawkley while Kyique brought up the rear. We walked for hours with us stopping here and there for the guys to check for tracks, “these wolf tracks are at least a day old, my lord.”

“How much further to the village? I asked Drayce.

“It's just over the hill, we will stop long enough to get supplies and horses. I want to be as far away from here as possible.”

We made it to the village without any problems, it must be luck! ‘’Ezra, Arkyn and Kyique go find us some horses, we will meet you back out here after we gather supplies’’.

‘’Yes lord.”

‘’Finan stay close to Aykiz’’.
