Page 5 of The Edge

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Everyone agreed and we started down the East side of the trial. Ezra walked beside me ‘’ I'll keep you safe Aykiz’’, winking at me as he reached for my hand.

Smiling and having butterflies in my stomach, so far, the trial was fine.

I'm thinking your mom was wrong about this trail,’ said Z.

Yeah, maybe she was thinking of a different trial. I said’’.

The birds were chirping, and butterflies were fluttering around. It was so beautiful, and the aroma of the flowers were intoxicating. A calming feeling washed over me. It felt good to be out in nature having a calmness wash over me. I didn’t want to leave. I looked back behind us and saw Drayce and Kyique were whispering and seemed to be arguing about something. “

What is wrong with them?” I asked Ezra

Don’t worry about them darlin it's just brotherly love.” Ezra explained.

Brushing it off, we reached a point in the road where the map was stationed. We were about 1/4 mile in, when the trail started to get rough with boulders in the way and steep paths up the hill.

“I'll climb up first to help you up, Aykiz.” Ezra let go of my hand to climb up, with Z behind me and Drayce came around in front of me, Ezra reached the top of the boulder. I went to grab the boulder when I slipped, down I went on top of Zedkeil.

” you’re crushing my spleen” Zedkeil gasped

I couldn’t help but giggle. “You don't even know where your spleen is Z ''.

Drayce grabbed my hand to pull me off Z, when a shocking feeling that raced through me. It had me gasping, then came this dreaming-like feeling hit me, one minute I was on a trial with my best friend and 3 hot guys, to be on the Edge again.

I stood looking around wondering how I got here when I spotted Drayce.

Hey!” Drayce, how did we get here and where are the others?”

Drayce looked so still I was beginning to wonder if he was even real. Walking over to him I did what I could think of, I smacked him. I saw it on tv, and it seemed to work so why not right? Drayce coming out of his trance looked at me and saying the last thing on earth I thought he would say.

It true, you’re my “sister? I knew it, you look so much like our parents.

Sister? What in the world are you sprouting on about? I am an only child. I think I would know if I had a brother. Snap out of it.”

Thinking of smacking him again to see if it helped knock some sense into him. ‘’What are you talking on about Drayce?”

’What happened and why are we here?”

‘’We need to get back to the others, 'demanded Drayce. Turning around in circles I did not see the trial. That is when I noticed where we were standing. The Edge!

“How are we here?” I'm starting to freak out

“Drayce spoke then, “we transported to Faire.”

We what? I demanded. What are you talking about? Are we dead?”

NO! We are not dead Aykiz. This can't be happening”. Drayce replied. Looking at me with a shocked expression.

“I have been here before; in my dreams, I’m always standing on the edge of this mountain.

“You’ve been here before?” What did you see when you were here?” demanded with a shocked expression. Looking at him now, I could see some resemblance in our face, but that’s where it ends. He had black hair, copper tone with green eyes standing at 6’3, I had copper tone skin with smokey gray eyes, white hair and at 5' 3.

‘’You have our fathers’ eyes and our mother’s hair.” Replied Dryace. He must be able to read minds. That got me to come out of the trans. Before I could reply I was being pulled to the edge.

Drayce reached for me pulling me closer before I was dragged to the edge! My dragon flew towards us and hovered over the edge. We were staring at each other when the dragon shifted his eyes behind me.

“I found The Princess” My sister! Please let the king know.Drayce said with a proud voice.

The dragon seemed happy about this and nodded and took one last look at me and flew off into the majestic world that I thought only existed in my dreams.
