Page 6 of The Edge

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I woke up to Z smacking my face, what the hell honey, you gave me a heart attack. Are you feeling, okay? Do you need a doctor?”

“No, I am fine Z I just got lightheaded.”

Looking around I found Drayce sitting up with the help of Kyique and Ezra, all 3 were staring at me like they saw a ghost.

What! What was that?” I asked Drayce.

Drayce looked at me with a stunned expression,” Well I want to know what happened too so start talking.” said Z.

As soon as Drayce touched your hand it was lights out for both of you. I think it was static electricity causing them both to pass out.” Ezra tried to explain even though he looked like he didn’t believe it either.

Z looked at Ezra like he lost his mind. “I have never heard of static electricity doing that. One minute you two were fine and the next you both flat out on your backs. I thought girls fainted all graceful and shit but girl you dropped like a sack of potatoes.”

How did we end up in my dream world? Thinking back to what Drayce said, `` I am his sister and The Princess.”

Take a breath Aykiz.” said Drayce.”

Speaking out loud to whoever would listen, “I said “One minute we were on this very rock and then we were in a different world. The dragon seemed to understand you. How come you get to talk to my dragon, and I don’t, how unfair is that?” I think I am losing my mind! Did I hit my head Z?”

“No thank Goodness between me and the guys, we were able to catch you both before you cracked your head like an egg. I'm beginning to think you have lost your mind though.”

Nodding my head like I understood. I stood up and I felt fine, no dizziness or anything. I looked at Drayce, pointed my finger at him, ‘Start talking.”

Drayce stood up and said’ Aykiz you are my sister, we have been looking for you for a long time now. You could hear Ezra, and Ky breath catch.

“Are you sure she's the one Drayce? Ezra replied with a doubtful expression

“She looks just like your mom, and your father whispered Ky, she must be the one the prophecy is speaking about.”

‘’No, Drayce, I think you have the wrong person. I am an only child.''

“Then how do you explain the connection we have?” Drayce explained.

“I have no idea Drayce”. Drayce stared at me for a few moments.

‘This is going to sound crazy Aykiz but when you were born, your birth started a prophecy. A prophecy told years before you and I were born.” I went to say something, but Drayce held his hand up to silence me. ‘’Let me finish, Aykiz, hear me out. Okay?” I nodded in agreement. Folding my arms, I stood there waiting for an explanation.

“The guys and I have been looking for you, to bring you home. you're close to turning 18 and we need you back at the kingdom where it's safe.”

Why? It's just the same old birthday as last year.”

No! Aykiz it's not, when you turn 18 your powers come in. you will inherit one of our parents' powers or maybe both. We don't know what will happen, that's why we need to get you behind the walls of theKingdom”. I sat right back down, shocked by all the shock waves hitting me. “This can't be right. It seems so surreal and yet it couldn’t be true. Why me?”


Our parents are the King Erebus and Queen Levana of the Dark kingdom. Our Mother was close to giving birth to you when everything was set in motion. Our father was holding court when a priestess arrived to foretell a prophecy of your birth that would bring to light but would go through darkness before there was peace. The priestess explained that darkness would come for your life if our parents did not hide you away.

‘’The only way our world, our people would survive the Darkness is if we gave you to our aunt to hide you away on Earth.”

“Wait, my mom is my aunt? I stood up, looking at the guys. you guys are crazy. This can’t be real.”

“Aykiz, I know this is a lot to take in, but I need you to trust me, to trust us.Drayce was waving his arms around gesturing to himself and the guys that are siting there speechless. I look around the guys and I'm trying to wrap my head around all this, realizing this does kind of make sense, I knew I was different, and I always didn't fit in but wow a Princess?

“Drayce this is a lot, so let's say you're telling me the truth, what happens now?

“I think we need to head back to town and speak with Kesha and be prepared to leave, stated Ezra!“We can’t be caught out here now that the word is out.”

Prepared to go where?” asked Z? This is all sounding crazy.” Aykiz lets go back and head home. I’m beginning to think these guys need a padded room.”
