Page 51 of The Edge

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‘’ Oh, my queen, you are Mine. You have been mine since the beginning. There will be a time when you call for me and when you do, I'll be there. I’ll see you soon!”

Bane disappeared into the shadows. I was left there standing with more questions than answers and more on my mind. ‘’My lady please come inside; you shouldn't be out here alone.”

“I don’t think I'm ever alone, Alice.”

‘’Whatever do you mean, my lady?”

Shadows and ghosts, they seem to haunt me, I growled in response

‘’Oh, they do love to stick by the living, you will have them in your thoughts and dreams. They are always around.”

‘Letting out a frustrated breath’ Yes, so it seems.

I have prepared supper my lady, and your rooms.

‘’Thank you, Alice.

Of course, my lady, I'll see you inside. Walking inside taking a seat next to the fire, Kalypso, Bane appeared out there when I was trying to connect with Alistar.

What? Where is he?”

He disappeared into the shadows but not before he said he was watching and waiting or me. He said he will appear when I need him and collect what is his- pointing to myself. ME!”

YOU!” why you Aykiz?” I mean he will be completely free when you break the spell so why is he hanging around?”

“Maybe to make sure I don’t die until I break the spell?” “That could be it, we will need to be cautious and make sure that’s what he intends to do. We need to tell the others.”

We will in private” away from everyone else. I replied. I’m not so sure about who we can trust here.

Kalypso, have you heard anything from Zedkiel?

Only that he is making progress and eager to get back to you, Princess.

‘’Thank you, Kalypso,’’ please send my love to him. I miss him. ‘’

I miss his sassy mouth, my lady,” laughing at her.

‘’Yes, he does have a sassy mouth.

“What else would give Bane reason to hang around. I can’t seem to get this out of my mind.”

‘’Let’s see, he was Narcissa warrior, soon to be husband. Kalypso thought out loud

‘’he said I was his since the beginning.

‘’What did Thaila say when she cursed Morana?”

“From what has been passed down, this is what has been said.

‘’A child will be born of royal blood, that will sever the spell freeing the dragons, becoming the protector and ruler of Dragons.”

‘’The child will take revenge for all death and destruction you will cause; your death will be at the hands of this warrior. She will have a protector and a mate to rule beside her. Your death will be in her hands.

“Thalia must have had great lung compacity to say all that. Laughing I laid back on the rug, ugh I want this over with.”

I’ll have a protector and a mate! ‘’Could Bane be my mate or protector?’’

‘’He could be both, my lady.
