Page 52 of The Edge

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I must summon Alistair; I need more answers.

“I will watch over you! Agreed Kalypso.

Sitting down on the furs in front of the fire, closing my eyes. Breathing deep, Alistar, I need you, please. Alistar please answer me.”

It didn't take long for him to answer, ‘’Little one, what is it? Alistar’s voice penetrated my mind.

‘’Oh, now you answer!

Sorry I was rather busy.”

can you find Macian?

‘’He is close, but far away princess’’.

What does that mean? Will I reach him intime?”

‘’Calm your mind Princess, you will reach him in time, when you are ready.

‘’Alistar, I don't have much time, Zelos is close and already sending his mangy mutts after me.”

You are where you're supposed to be princess, give it time. There will be a time you wish you were sitting in front of that fire.”

‘’Wait, how do you know where I'm sitting?”

I feel the heat, little one, laughing. I know where you are, always. ‘’We are connected, You're not alone.

So, I keep getting reminded, yet I feel alone. ‘’

Practice your skills, little one. ‘’You will need them, Be ready.”

“Wait, one more question.

Elijah! is he, my protector or mate?

Your protector is always close.” Your mate is unknown.”

“Its Finan isn’t?”

‘’Ugh your riddles Alistar, can you just tell me who they are?’’

Laughing, Alistar's voice floated away. Ugh!

Looking around the room is quiet, only the sparks of the fire could be heard. Kalypso sitting vigil, eyes glowing white.

‘’Hey, Kalypso, waving my hand in front of her face, her eyes turn back to normal. “Zedkeil says he is super wolfy now, he will be with you soon.”

We were both laughing, when the door opened and in walked Alpha Elijah and Drayce along with Finan. ‘’Hey guys, what did you find out from the wolf who attacked me?

‘’Turns out he's just a boy, trying to save his sister from Zelos, explained Drayce in an unhappy voice’’.

Sitting down in the chair beside me, “Zelos has his sister, he threatened him, if he didn’t take you out then he would kill Seth's sister.

Zelos must know I’m not dead, I can't let him kill anyone else, Drayce, this isn't fair’’. ‘’

We will come up with a plan, Aykiz.” Drayce explained in a hopeful voice

Elijah sat down with us handing Drayce a whisky. ‘’What were you ladies up to?’’
