Page 65 of The Edge

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’The honor is mine Shadow.’’ Raven shifted then, another beautiful woman, with white hair almost as white as mine, cobalt blue eyes. ‘’Raven, you are just as gorgeous, wow the creator really knew how to create you two.’’

Raven giggled, thank you my lady, it's an honor to be at your side.’’

Alright you three beautiful vixens, now that you are acquainted, we need to look at the map Aykiz, see where Macian is.”

Good idea, reaching for my map a whoosh of air whipped past my head, an arrow stuck into the tree in front of me. Grabbing my bow and arrows, I dropped to the ground creeping behind a tree.

“Aykiz are you okay?’’ demanded Drayce.

“I’m pissed off Drayce, someone just shot at me, and I would like to return the favor.”

I reached for an arrow, knocking it, I was ready. Looking around my friends were scattered behind trees and what little rocks we had for cover. Arrow after arrow was flying at us. Shadow creeped up beside me, nosing my arm. Shadow dropped the map, she shifted opening the map. Macian was just on the other side of the river close to the clearing.

“The enemy found us both. My heart was pounding, this is it. Shadow, I need to get to Macian now, the enemy is at our backs, Macian is in the opposite direction. I'm going to run towards him, maybe we can open a portal and leave here.”

Crawling towards Drayce, with Shadow beside me, we made it just before another arrow struck a tree above our heads. Drayce, tossing him the map, “Macian is just on the other side of the river, we need to make a run for him and open a portal, we can get out of here.”

Howls took up the silence, sending chills down your spine.

‘’Send out the girl and no one will die, all we want is her, give her up and you will be forgiven.’’

“Zelos he's here, good I would like to send this arrow right back at him.”

You don't want to have your friends die, do you little princess, come out and save their lives.’’

Aykiz, don't you dare go out there, you know he won't let us live. He will kill us all,” whispered Drayce.

‘’Aykiz, you take Z and the wolves, run towards Macian. We will protect you here, hold them off to give you time.’’

NO, Drayce, I'm not leaving you.

Yes, you are, stop arguing with me damn it Aykiz, do this for all of us. Looking around I could see everyone prepared to fight, waiting on me to decide.

“Last chance Princess before I let loose the hounds, then it's fair game.

We will see each other again, Aykiz, now GO!”

I ran as fast as my feet could take me; Arrows were flying past me. I turned to look behind me to see an all-out battle, blue and red colors of Kyquie magic flying through the air, screams and howls, clashing of metal could be heard from miles away. Shadow, Raven and Zedkiel running beside me, dogging through trees, jumping over logs. We needed to see where Macian was at but stopping now would be the end of our lives. We ran until my lungs were on fire, man am I out of shape. Stopping for a min to catch my breath, “Zedkeil hold up I can’t breathe, I need a min.”

One breath, two, Boom! The ground shook, knocking us off balance, grabbing onto a tree for balance, what was that? BOOM! That one knocked us onto our butts,” shit Zedkiel are you okay. “

Z was shaking, bones were popping, oh your shifting. Well shit Z’’.

Shadow and Raven took up guard around me, while Zedkeil shifted into his magnificent beast. There stood a pitch-black wolf with a glow of purple surrounding his body standing where my best friend stood only a moment ago. “Wow Zedkiel your beautiful badass wolf.” Zedkiel shook out his fur standing well over 6ft tall, “your huge Z” he's bigger than Shadow and Raven which is saying something, they are both easily 5ft tall.

Aerials of arrows and flashes of light consumed the area. Once, the moment passed, we ran down the hillside when we saw a figure running for its life towards us, well maybe we shouldn't go that way, I tell Shadow.

“AYKIZ!” Yelled the figure.

Z’’ I think that is the mage?” Well, it's not like he can answer me back, Z just looks at me. AYKIZ RUN! Before I could process what, the mage wanted me to do, growling took up behind me, howls echoed. We are surrounded again.

“UGH for fucks sake, Shadow pushes me out of the way, replacing herself in front of me, Zedkeil and Raven step between me and the wolves ready for dinner. “Stay safe Zedkiel, I turned and ran towards the man that's supposed to help save the world. I could hear the fighting behind me, the whining of someone hurt. I kept running even when I wanted to turn around. An arrow soared past my head, another one making its mark striking my arm, Macian raised his arms launching a series of magical bombs behind me. I’m almost to him when the ground shook from the force of another bomb going off. I tripped over my own feet, face first into a rock, lights out. I woke up to Macian bending over to help me up, he waved his hand making the blood stop running down my face. Looking behind me Z, shadow and Raven are battling out with the other wolves. Raven was outnumbered 4 to one, the wolves lunged at her one going for her throat, pinning her to the ground, raven let out a high-pitched whine before going slack.

I screamed, standing up letting darkness consume me, floating like snakes across the ground wrapping around the enemy in a constricting hug of death. The ground shook, the air was becoming hard to breathe, tears dripped down my face, my hair was whipped back from the force of my energy, these guys are about to become a puddle of goo. I won’t allow them to hurt my friends again. “AYKIZ! ENOUGH! Zedkeil was standing or was trying to stand in front of me. We are safe Aykiz, you saved us, come back.”

I was struggling, the power running through my veins was taking over, I felt hands on my shoulders, grounding out my energy. Macian was there taking the burnt of my energy his eyes glowing, he brought me back.

Aykiz, you have done well, calm your spirit child. Taking a deep breath in and out, soon I was able to focus, taking in my surroundings. Raven was laying on the ground, not moving. Z and Shadow were with her trying to get Raven to move. I ran to her, tears coming back down my face, “Raven you can't be gone, wake up.”
