Page 66 of The Edge

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Shadow nudged Raven muzzle, letting out a howl of pain and sorrow. Drayce, Finan, Kyquie ran through the trees like their asses were on fire.“RUN everyone RUN!” Drayce and Finan grabbed my arms pulling me to my feet as everyone was running the opposite direction.

“Zelos is right behind us, Aykiz. Kyuqie open a portal, get us out of here.” Demanded Drayce.

We won't make it in time Drayce, we are surrounded.Kyique replied

‘’AWE there she is, our sweet little savior, well now we can't have you running off saving the world now can we.” Zelos stood on top of the hill surrounded by his mangy mutts. I looked behind us only to see more of Zelos mutts closing in behind us. “Give us the girl and we will make your death as painless as possible,” Zelos hissed at us like the snake he is.

That's not going to happen, Zelos, I will fight you to the end. You will not win.”

‘’OH, you're a feisty one. I might have to keep you around before I turn you over to Morana, we can have so much fun together.’’

NOT going to happen Zelos, sorry to burst your bubble dude.’’ I released the darkness, letting it flow out wrapping around my hands, Kyique, open the portal now” I yelled.

I unleashed the darkness letting it coat the ground and creep up the trees blocking Zelos and his mutts. I feel the energy of the portal opening, looking behind me seeing everyone is through the portal except Finan and Macian. Macian has his hands out with a look of ease, he's holding a barrier up between us and them. Finan ran to get Raven's body, picking her up and handing her through the portal, Finan turned back grabbing onto me, “Aykiz we need to go now. As soon as Macian drops the barrier they are coming for us.”

Macian smiles, Aykiz go, I'll be right behind you.”

NO, you're coming with me right now or I'm staying, I’m not going to lose you Macian.”

Macian was a tall muscular man, with a dark brown beard reaching his chest, he had kind-tired eyes that held mischief, you could feel the energy pulsing around him, the power that flowed through him you could almost see it. Macian reached for my hand, as Kyquie stepped out of the portal, “in a hurry here, I can only hold it open so long.”

Have no fear young mage, let it close, you will be needed elsewhere.

The portal closed, sealing my friends in, only Finan, Kyquie and myself were left standing with the mage. Zelos was just outside the barrier now, smiling taunting us. A portal opened beside me, looking inside you could see green lush trees. “GO NOW!” Finan grabbed a hold of me pulling me through, we landed on the hard ground stealing our breath, I managed to sit up I see Kyquie pulling Macian through, the portal closing, not before one of those mutts pushed through only to realize he came up short of his legs, the portal cutting him in half. Taking my eyes off the mutt, seeing Macian laying there with an arrow sticking out of his chest.

No, NO this isn't happening, I crawled over to Macian to see blood soaking the ground beneath him, not knowing where to touch him or if I should pull the arrow free, reaching for his hand tears streaming down my face, “Macian don't leave me, I need you.”

Kyuqie do something, please you have to save him. Kyquie kneeled next to me, waving his hand over Macian using his energy to try to heal him. “I’m sorry Aykiz, it's too late, the arrow is poisonous.

