Page 59 of Incomplete

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“Hey,” Dom greeted with no enthusiasm in his voice.

“You answered.”

Dom huffed, “Well, I figured since I’ve ignored three of your calls, I let you suffer enough. Plus, you are my boss.”

“Thanks,” Gage told him.

“For what?” Dom questioned, puzzled.

Gage looked out of his kitchen window and spoke. “Running things while I’ve been gone and—”

Dom spoke over him, “Not like there’s much on the schedule. Just finished the Beerman pond and scape around it. There’s nothing pressing on the calendar, just maintenance and me and the guys have that all handled. You know how the winter is.”

Gage did. Once the cooler weather came in, it was all about maintaining elaborate landscapes of certain clients. If the snow held off, they’d run a quick mow across the lawn before putting seed down before the blanket of snow covered it.

“Yeah,” Gage agreed and added, “But for keeping all this shit to yourself—”

“Stop.” Dom’s voice was firm. “Not my business anymore, man. Just gonna say one thing and one thing only, you need to figure out what the fuck you’re gonna do before you really start hurting people, Gage. It’s not fair, brother.”

Gage took a deep breath. “I know. I already told Heather I wasn’t happy and,” Gage paused, still staring out the back window seeing nothing, “After the holidays, I’m leaving her.”

“Fuck.” Dom bit out lowly.

“I,” Gage started but stopped. When he found his words, he began again, “I don’t love her like I used to.”

Dom’s voice was sympathetic, “I’m sorry, brother. I’m here if—”

“I know.”



Tilly stood by the back door, watching as Kenny’s crew turned her backyard into her vision. Three months ago, she was so excited for the change. But she realized that was why she’d been excited...because it was different, a change from the routine. Soon, she’d be telling her husband she wanted out. She had no idea if she’d even enjoy the fruits of the labor being developed in her backyard, but even if she didn’t, another would.

When she was with Gage, there was no fear, no nerves. She knew what they were doing was right. They may have gone about it wrong, buttheywere right. Facing Luke, telling him it was over, caused a knot in her stomach. She really had no idea how he was going to take the news. Her kids, they were old enough to understand the dynamic at home. No child wanted a broken home, but they were adding to the family, not taking away from it.

“How we doing?” Kenny asked, pulling Tilly from her thoughts when he strolled over to join her.

“It looks amazing,” Tilly answered honestly.

“Your vision,” Kenny said.

It was really Gage’s vision, one they had spoken about often when they were together, but that wasn’t something she shared with Kenny. He was still holding out that Gage would come around and join forces with him. When Gage and she could be open about their relationship, maybe Gage would rethink Kenny’s offer.

As if he was reading her thoughts, Kenny muttered, “We could be doing this on a bigger scale if Sutherlands reconsidered my offer.”

Tilly tried to avoid talking about Gage because she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t reveal more than she should know when it came to Gage.

“If not them, maybe another landscaping firm will be interested,” Tilly offered lamely.

“No other firm around here has the clientele that Sutherlands does. If I’m going to do this, I want him.” Kenny pulled a hand through his hair and turned to look at Tilly. “That McClaney project you’re working on. I’d like to show that to Gage. Let him see what he’s missing.”

Pride washed through her, but it was immediately chased with nerves. It was Pandora’s Box. Before she could try to steer Kenny to a different topic, she heard Luke’s voice seconds before he appeared at the door. A warning tickled her nape, even as surprise rushed through her. He approached Kenny, who offered his hand. Luke hesitated in taking it. Surprise was chased by irritation. How had she never seen the arrogance in her husband? Had it always been there or was this new?

“It’s looking good, Kenny.” Luke offered. He then turned to Tilly, pulled her close and kissed her forehead, but it felt less like a greeting and more like he was staking a claim. That warning grew, chills danced down her spine. Did he know about Gage? Was her secret out? Her mouth went dry, and her heart started to thump behind her ribcage.

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