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Tilly didn’t look at her, kept her gaze down because she was angry...a simmering anger that surprised her at the intensity.

“I am happy you are happy.”

Tilly’s focus shifted then, looking Candice right in the eyes. “You have a funny way of showing it.”

“I know.”

“I don’t want to hurt Luke. I don’t want to hurt anyone, but for the first time in my life, I’m doing something for me. You told me to be selfish. I’m taking your advice.”

“You love him.” There was a little awe in Candice’s voice. “I know you told me, but…” She sat back and let out a deep breath. “I thought maybe you were confusing sex with love, but you really love him.”

“I do. He makes me laugh, he, at times, makes me angry, and he can even make me cry, but he makes me feel alive, he makes me feel special, needed, wanted, and most importantly, I know I’m loved. If you found what I have, if Ashley or Justin found it, I would encourage you and them to go for it, even with the consequences, because what I feel when I’m with him is something worth fighting for.”

Candice studied her friend. “You’re not in love with Luke, are you?”

“No.” Tilly placed her wallet on the table and reached for her coffee. “I’m not, but I didn’t even realize it. Had I not met Gage, I might have never realized I wasn’t in love with my husband anymore. So caught up in the day to day, the routine of my life, the checklist of to-dos that I never stopped and took a breath and realized that I was just going through the motions. To reach old age only to learn your whole life passed you by and you missed it because you were so busy with keeping busy. Whatever happens, however this plays out, I’m not going through the motions with Gage. He gave me that, and so much more.”

Candice’s eyes were bright when she squeezed Tilly’s hand. “Then fight for him. I’ve got your back.”


Gage opened the back door, walking in, he was hit with Heather leaning against the kitchen counter, her hard eyes on him. “Where have you been?”

He dropped his keys in the little dish next to the cordless phone and played dumb. “What do you mean?” That day he’d spent with Tilly, a few hours in a hotel room, and then the rest of the day browsing through garden centers.

The problem was, the day had gotten away from them, something that had been happening as the weeks passed. Gage was missing more days at work than he was there, acting as if he was a bachelor with no rules. He even missed Scarlett’s friend’s birthday party just so he could spend the two hours Tilly could steal away from her family.

Heather crossed her arms over her chest. “For over a week, I’ve been home on time every night, ready to spend time with my husband, but…” She threw her arm’s out. “He’s never here!” She shouted that last part.

Gage stared at his wife, at a loss for words. Did he just do it? Ask for a divorce? Her blue eyes so heated, directed at him. Fuck. Before Tilly, he would have moved into her and fucked her hard against the counter. Now, he felt guilt even thinking that. That scared the shit out of him. This was his life.Shewas once his life.

“Are you just going to stand there?” She snapped, slapping her hand on the counter, causing Velvet to bark.

He looked down at the dog. When did she get a new collar? For fucks sake, he was even ignoring the dog. Bringing his eyes back to Heather, he told he softly, “I’m not happy.”

Heather’s expression quickly changed. The sadness that replaced the anger had Gage taking a step toward her. She held a hand up. “No.” He stopped. “What do you mean, you’re not happy?”

Gage glanced to the floor before he leveled his eyes on her. “We’ve grown apart, Heather, anyone can see that. We both want different things now and—”

Heather pushed off the counter, closing the distance between them. Her hands gripped the sides of his jacket. “We can find us again. I know I said I would try, and I didn’t. But,” Her eyes filled with tears, “I’ll do it this time, Gage. Please, honey.”

Gage put his hands on his wife’s biceps, holding them snuggly. “I think too much time has gone by Heather and—”

“No,” her voice broke. “No, don’t say that.”

“Heather.” Gage said softly.

“Please, Gage,” Heather pleaded, a vulnerability in her voice and pain behind her words and eyes.

Gage’s body grew warm, his own breathing became labored. Watching his wife breakdown at just the thought of him not being happy with their marriage, he couldn’t… couldn’t imagine what he’d do to her if he walked out the door. He questioned himself often if he was in love with her anymore, but that didn’t mean he didn’t love her. He did. Always would.

Gage moved his arms around her, holding her to him. Breathing in her scent brought back so many good memories. He started breathing deeply through his nose, holding his emotions at bay. He’d heard that breaking up your marriage was one of the hardest things to do, letting a person go that had always been there for you. Through thick and thin, standing by your side, fighting the fight with you. It hurt. More than Gage suspected it would.

He bent his head, pushing it into his wife’s neck. Clutching her to his body, listening to the faint cries coming from her, Gage gave into his emotions and let a tear escape.

“I love you,” Heather whispered through her tears, holding onto her husband.

Another tear fell as Gage told her. “I love you.” And, he did. He loved her. His head lifted, looking down at Heather as she wiped the wet from his cheek before rising up and placing her lips on his. It was only a second before Gage deepened the kiss. Roughly grabbing at her clothes, one by one, throwing them to the floor. Heather doing the same, pulling at his. That night, Gage gave his all to his wife, knowing it may be the last time. She just didn’t know it.

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